Friday, August 31, 2012

Mysteries of A Black Girl's Hair

Now I should truly write a book because I have spent countless hours explaining to people the science behind a black girls/woman's (black female of any age) hair. I mean the questions have ranged from "Do y'all wash it?" to "Why is y'all's different than ours?" Some may wonder why I even "waste" my time telling people what we do with our hair. Well I'm doing it because it a curios topic and well I must say something fun to talk about!. I love topics that get people thinking! So y'all brace your selves because I'm about to explain the myths and facts surrounding a black girls hair!

"Do you wash your hair?"

Duh! My hair would smell pure evil if I didn't wash it and being that I'm pretty active and have curly hair that is susceptible to product build up, that would just be bad. While about 90% of us don't wash our hair everyday we do wash our hair. The reason we don't wash our hair everyday is because we don't need too. The fact of the matter is that since we have a natural curl pattern to our hair (even if your hair is relaxed your roots are curly) the oil and sebum doesn't travel throughout all of our hair so isn't greasy. When I used to get a relaxer (chemical that straightens your hair permanently) I washed my hair once a week, but now like every few days, but I'm trying to go back to once a week our hair performs better with less manipulation. Some of us wash our hair every few days while others once a month it varies with every person.

"Why is y'alls hair not like normal?"

First of all what the heck, your normal and my normal are too different things. Now I do realize we are one of the few races that doesn't have straight "silky" or whatever hair, but come on you guys that doesn't make our hair not normal! Well the actual reason behind this question is first God, and the fact of our origin of location, Africa. Having thick textured hair prevented the sun from literally sunburning our very scalps and head. So it's an awesome geographical adaptation.

"Is that a weave?"

I used to get this question all the time when my hair was straight! The reasons begin my hair was long, and I am black. People just automatically assume that black girls with long hair have a weave or some from of it! Do you not think our hair grows? This still happens to me till this day and I have almost to my collar bone curly hair, but people still think it's a weave! Now I have never had a weave nor do I wish to, but I AM NOT SAYING THERE IS ANYTHING WRONG WITH WEARING A WEAVE. For all of you out there going what in the world is a weave here's your explanation. A weave is false /real hair that is sown into cornrowed hair (braids that are braided to the scalp).

"So how do you get your hair like that?"

The question was being referred to my curly hair that was in an afro. I was kind of taken aback and thought like what this is how my hair grows from my scalp. I then remembered that all of the black girls they see have straight hair. So I explained how those straight haired black girls used a relaxer (also called a perm) which was a chemical that you place on your hair every month and half or so to keep to your hair straight. Black people naturally have curly hair, but most of us straighten it with a relaxer or a flat iron (straightener). As the curly hair grows in you have to perm it to keep from having two drastically different hair textures, and horrible looking edges! When you see a black girl with curly/kinky/textured hair usually that's her natural hair, she didn't go get a perm (curly perm) it's hers darn it!

"Can I touch your hair?"

I don't mind people touching my hair, but some do. It's in oddity in the place I live. There aren't many natural curly haired girls so I know people are curious. My only problem is when you touch my hair DON'T BE SURPRISED IF YOU GET A LITTLE PRODUCT ON YOUR HANDS. So many people have touched my hair, often times without asking, gotten conditioner or some other product on their hands and flipped out! One girl even went so far as too say "Eww my hands are all greasy now, no I don't like that", she then preceded to put GermX on her hands. I love this girl, but heifer don't touch my hair because "It's just so fluffy" and then get grossed out when you get product on your hands! That is just so rude and uncalled for! I also want to say just because I'm a person of color does not mean I use grease on my hair, but duh I do use products. People always assume that just because I'm black/brown/African-American (who cares they all have the same meaning) I put grease in my hair. Grease is too heavy a product for most our hair, and when we do use grease it's for our scalps. This prevents dandruff. I don't put grease on my scalp or hair, but some people find it very beneficial. Always ask before you go touching a black girls hair, and don't be stupid enough to freak about how your hands got all "greasy".

I believe I covered the most asked of questions and have also given some insight into the hair of black girls/people. I wrote this article because I know people have so many questions about our hair, but think it would be taken as racist or silly if they asked. Well people if you ask with genuine curiosity and are polite I almost guarantee your questions will be answered. We are a people known for our hair. Just think a simple thing such as hair can give shape to the very representation of a race. Why the very thing most people think of when they think of black people is our hair. It's wondrous and mysterious the hair of a black person. I am proud of my hair and do not wish to have "white people hair". Our hair comes in all sorts of textures, colors, lengths, and volumes. God knew what he was doing when he gave use our hair and for that I am thankful.

This news article is brought to you by DATING ADVICE 201 - where latest news are our top priority.

How to Take Care of Your Diamonds

Diamonds are expensive and are generally a very special gift that you would like to last a lifetime and hopefully your children's lifetimes too. In order to do this you need to take proper care of your diamond, it is not like any ordinary ring you have.

A special place

Diamonds deserve its' own special place in your jewelry box, away from other rings and necklaces that could potentially scratch it. The best place to store it would be in a soft jewelry pouch - Many people do not know that the humidity in the air can also be bad for diamonds that are stored for a long time. Never leave the diamond on a sink, you could forget about and it gets lost or it could fall down the drain.


Take the time to inspect your diamond, especially the setting that it is in, although it is not likely, it could come loose after years of wearing it. A professional jeweler would be able to fix the problem immediately; they could also clean your diamond. As rule you should take your diamond for inspection and a clean once a year. Rather be safe than sorry when it comes to diamonds, it is not something you easily replace.


Avoid using creams, oils and body spray etc. with your diamond on, overtime it can lose its sparkle. Rather take your diamond off when doing house work and it can also easily chip. If you do want to clean your diamond at home then you can leave it to soak in warm water with a touch of ammonia (stay away from other chemicals like chlorine as it could loosen the diamond setting). Remember to gentle scrub using a soft bristled tooth brush and then to pat dry with a very soft cloth. It is actually better for the diamond to be cleaned regularly by yourself, as the oils from our natural skin will cause a build up anyway. Avoid wearing your diamonds during outdoor activities and when playing sport, it is in any case a special item that should be appreciated. Rather keep a small safe box in your bag if you know you are going to take part in outdoor events.

Buying any sort of diamond engagement rings or other special occasion rings is a big investment and the care you take into choosing it must be the same amount as looking after it.

This article is brought to you by DATE.

Women's Clothing - You Are How You Dress

There is no doubt about the fact that women love to shop for clothing they especially like the convenience of online shopping. Some clothing stores have websites with all sorts of great looking picture galleries. There are even websites that specialize in different types of clothes. Clothes show other people what sort of woman they are going to meet.

Clothing is a very individual thing especially for women. Therefore you will find a vast variety of clothing websites. Many will display designer clothes. Some women love to dress in designer clothes and will sacrifice the money to look beautiful and be the center of attention at a gathering. Here on many websites you will find sales on some items and free shipping if you spend a certain amount. There are also accessories like purses, shoes and jewelry. Many of these clothes are limited editions so you will have to be quick and vigilant to find them in stock.

Other women buy business attire. These types of clothes are stylish and give a professional look to the wearer. There are many clothing websites that have a section for business attire. They have attire that will suit most business women and executives while still maintaining their individuality.

Many clothing websites are seasonal like their brick and mortar counterparts. You can get holiday clothing a month or two before the season and back to school clothes in July and August. Again you need to be quick for items like popular jackets and school uniform clothes as these items do not last for long. It is wise to do seasonal shopping ahead of time.

You can also get good bargains at certain sites that you will not find in the stores. There are sales going on at different clothing for women websites all the time. You just need to be alert for them and check your favorite websites and cyber stores on a regular basis. When you take advantage of these sales you can save a substantial amount of money.

Colors are important if you want to keep up with the trends and fashions. Different seasons will usher in special colors. You may find that hot pink is fashionable one summer and floral designs are in the next season. Summer usually brings the pretty shades of summer and the fall or autumn will bring oranges and browns like fall leaves. You will need to check the clothing websites regularly.

Reviews will help you to find the good women's clothing sites. They will give negative and positive reviews about all sorts of clothing sites. It is useful to check these out before searching for nice clothes on the Internet. Shipping should be something to consider and the refund policy of different cyber stores. There should also be a way to contact them if the clothing is not quite what you expected or is damaged. When you consider all these points you will find that shopping online for clothes can be fun.

This news article is brought to you by MOVIE GOSSIP NEWS - where latest news are our top priority.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Wedding Wardrobe, Hairstyle, and Makeup

In wedding nuptials, the bride's appearance is something noticeable all throughout different stages of the wedding itself. She gets a major percentage of the attention before the ceremony, while it is being held, and even after it is through at the reception. What she wears, her hairstyles, and makeup are subject to praise or scrutiny from guests, friends, and family.

Wardrobe, Hairstyle, and Makeup

Some wedding consultants or boutiques can provide all clothes and accessories. But most often, the wedding gown is ordered separately from couturiers. You can buy one straight from the display section of a wedding shop or order a personalised design custom fitted with the bride's body measurements.

Hair and makeup is accomplished in salons or parlors. You can even hire a personal makeup artist who will be responsible for the bride's overall look. There are even mobile makeup artists who are on the road and are ready to provide service on the spot. Aside from the bride, the makeup and hairstyle of the wedding entourage is often included when hiring a makeup and hair expert from salons.

Practical tips for makeup and hairstyle

On makeup, find what matches the person's personality, skin tone, the shape of his or her face, dress color, the event's theme, and of course for what occasion it is for. In this case, we are talking about weddings. You can choose among various options available. There had been numerous styles introduced during the past few years. It can be modern, classy, elegant, simple, and so much more.

On hair styling, the same rules as mentioned on makeup apply. The person's hair texture and length should also be considered. There are numerous ways to manage curly or straight and long or short styles of hair. Hiring a professional hair stylist helps especially if you have no idea what hair style to choose. Salons even have a brochure of hairstyles you can choose from to make it easier.

Modern day wedding hairstyles which are often used include the bee hive, angels and curls up, natural curls pulled back, and an elegant looking style. For brides with lengthy hair, some styles which can be applied include locks, the Madonna, the popular bun, long flowing straight, and adding curls, twists, or waves. For those with shorter hair, a few styles often utilised include the Egyptian princess, an elegant wave, the simple past look, and curls made on top with wild and crazy designs.

All other participants of the wedding such as the groom, bride's maids, groom's men, sponsors, and even both parties' parents do not receive the same attention as the bride does. Nonetheless, they can also benefit from well prepared wardrobes, hair styles, and makeup.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

What's Your Color?

Colors have always been a tricky thing to master. Some colors look great on others and disgusting on me. One day I can rock a dress that makes me look wonderfully bronzed while other colors make me look miserably washed out. I've always asked my trusted "advisors" for their opinions, but what happens when your friends are unavailable via picture message before you leave the house?? Don't worry, I got you covered! Keep this in mind the next time you go shopping solo or need to make an "educated" decision at home!

Color Your Feelings

Remember that colors can evoke certain feelings from those around you, so wear accordingly!

Black. Black is the color of authority and power. While it can make you appear to be thinner, it also can achieve a look that is aloof or evil. Pair with some bright accessories and go easy on the eyeliner to keep the look upbeat.

White. White signifies innocence and purity. Also, white can be associated with sterility or cleanliness.

Red. Red stimulates a faster heartbeat and breathing. Also the color of love, red can make the wearer appear heavier. This is an "extreme" color and is not necessarily helpful in negotiations or confrontations, but is attention grabbing!

Blue. Studies have shown that blue produces calming, tranquil, and peaceful chemicals in the body. While the color can be associated with depression and thought to be "cold", many researchers recommend wearing blue to job interviews as it represents loyalty. Also, tests have concluded that workers are more productive in blue rooms.

Green. Green is associated with nature and proven to be the easiest color on the eye. It is thought to be calming and refreshing. Thought to be conservative, green also symbolizes wealth and fertility.

Yellow. Yellow is an attention grabbing and optimistic color. However, studies have shown that people more often lose their tempers in yellow rooms and babies will cry more. Yellow is the most difficult color for the eye to take in, however, it speeds your metabolism and enhances concentration.

Purple. This color connotates luxury, wealth, and sophistication. It is the color of royalty and thought to be feminine and romantic.

Brown. Brown is the basic earth color and can bring forth feelings of genuineness. The color is also said to be sad and wistful.

Choose your color palette! What color are your eyes, hair, and skin tone? Match your combo with one of the palettes listed below. (Pantone, the authority on color and color selection systems, offers a more in depth breakdown of each palette on their site )


Eyes: blue, very dark browns, light hazels

Hair: ash blonde, platinum blonde, sandy or ash brown, black

Skin Tone: rosy pink, very fair, olive, dark

COLORS YOU'LL LOVE: raspberry, brilliant blues, bright pinks, violets, emerald, lime, lilac


Eyes: multiple colors

Hair: lots of streaks or different shades of blonde and brown

Skin Tone: Ivory, neutral beige, combination rose and peach

COLORS YOU'LL LOVE: apricot, mocha, green tea, gold, rose, woodrose, mauve, and cornflower blue.


Eyes: medium or deep blue, golden brown/amber, hazel, dark with honey flecks

Hair: Golden blonde, red, coppery tones, honey brown, caramel, dark brown w/ red highlights

Skin Tone: warm beige, brown hues, peach, olive with golden undertones

COLORS YOU'LL LOVE: grenadine, magenta, periwinkle, sage, caramel, apricot, peacock blue, chartreuse


Eyes, hair, and skin tones: ANY

COLORS WE'LL ALL LOVE: neutral grays, dark browns, light sandy colors, sky blue, eggplant, pewter, light taupe, sunlight yellow, teal, true navy, red

This news article is brought to you by MOVIE GOSSIP NEWS - where latest news are our top priority.

Friday, August 24, 2012

How to Prevent Evil Stains From Ruining Your Wardrobe

I'm always the first to admit that I lack any grace. Spills, stains, upside down cakes... They always seem to surround me. The worst part is that I've always thrown out my favorite tops because I thought there was nothing that could be done. Well, I'm happy to report that I've tried and tested a few things that just may be of help to all of us that are having a not-so graceful day.

Oil and Grease Stains
These tricky little stains can pop up anywhere! I find an abundance of them after I've indulged in a yummy hamburger (I make food look delicious when I eat) or finished frying some chicken. Ladies, you don't have to give up your fave foods to save your fave clothes.

Hair Spray - Spray the aerosol liberally on to the stain. The hair spray should lift the stain instantly. Wash and air dry.

Cheese Whiz - This is kind of a strange one, but was featured on "The View". Smear the cheesy topping onto the stain and throw the garment in the wash as normal.

Shampoo - Shampoos are designed to remove oils and grease (from your hair). Rub your shampoo into the stain like a pre-treatment solution. Then wash as directed.

Blood Stains
DO NOT USE HOT WATER OR PUT IN THE DRYER. Heat will only set the stain. Soak in cold water immediately.

Hydrogen Peroxide - Hydrogen peroxide works great on fresh, wet stains. The peroxide will bubble indicating that it is working. Bubbling signals a chemical reaction and lifts the stain. Hydrogen peroxide can weaken the fibers of your clothing, so use sparingly.

Baking Soda - Dab some baking soda (or salt) on a wet stain. Baking soda is used to extract impurities and help break down the stain. It works by removing proteins in the blood and promotes stain-lifting action!

Shampoo - This requires some elbow work. Scrub with shampoo in cold water. Throw in the wash and repeat until the stain is gone.

Mud and Dirt Stains

Hand Cleaner - Know any mechanics? If not, next time you take your car in to be serviced see if you can smuggle out some of their hand cleaner. Gojo is a popular brand and can be bought at any Walmart. Spread the hand cleaner over the stain on both sides and scrub, scrub, scrub into the fabric! Let it sit for about an hour and wash in warm water (with detergent). Make sure your washer is set for extra agitation to really get that stain out. Tip: Make sure the stain has been fully removed before throwing your beloved garment into the dryer.

Dish Soap - First you want to scrape off the mud (if any) with a butter knife or tooth brush. Be careful while doing so. You don't want to grind the dirt further into the fibers. Dampen the area with a few drops of water. Using the dish soap and toothbrush, scrub vigorously on both sides of the fabric. Rinse and repeat, if necessary.

Vinegar - Soak the stained garment overnight in vinegar. Then wash as recommended.

Shaving Cream - Spray the cream on the stain as if it were carpet cleaner. Let it sit for about 5-10 minutes. Blot and clean.

This news article is brought to you by TAXES BLOG - where latest news are our top priority.

Pinteresting Now Takes on DIY Beauty, Fashion and Health

The social media platform Pinterest is an incredible source for well, anything you'd ever want to know. With so many categories to browse through, you can easily spend hours perusing the website. I know I have spent more time than I'd be willing to admit pinning fashion ideas, hair, and beauty tips in my favorite area of all, DIY. If you haven't checked out the website already, be prepared to spare at least an hour of your time because it really is an endless treasure trove of inspiring things.

Hair and Beauty
Again, my favorite part of Pinterest is their DIY category and this certainly extends to areas of hair and beauty. I have never been too creative with my own hairstyles, but with step-by-step instructions at my fingertips, I figured why not give it a try? There are so many great tips, it's hard to find something that doesn't appeal to me. With Pinterest, everything that's there has already been pre-filtered by the members that post them to the site. This saves me so much time from scouring the Internet myself.

My favorite things to look at in hair and beauty are pins that aim at taking the mysticism out of seemingly hard to achieve looks. For instance, the hair bow, which I was able to recreate in a matter of minutes on the first try. Other favorites in these categories include ways to maintain your cosmetics and skincare products. The other day I just found a way to repair my broken compact powders and eye shadows by simply breaking it apart, adding alcohol and letting them dry.

I have so many items on my to-do list of DIY fashion projects. In fact after discovering so many brilliant ideas on Pinterest, a friend of mine and I are planning to designate an entire day to crafting. One of my favorite ideas is to create your own studded garments, simply by gluing on the pieces yourself. I plan to do this with a pair of old shoes that could definitely use some updating. I myself have no skill whatsoever with a sewing machine, but for those of you that are, Pinterest has tons of posts on how to create your own stylish clothes.

I managed to preserve a favorite bra of mine that had it's under wire protruding from the side by using a really simple method. I used some strips of moleskin that I bought at the drugstore and applied them sparingly to the problem area. The strips have the same sort of texture and color that my bra has so it blended in well and did a great job of preventing any further damage (to me and my bra).

I have found a ton of interesting tips to improve the health of my skin. Most of the things posted on the site are either free or very inexpensive, which I of course love. This includes an acne spot treatment and/or mask that consists of dissolved aspirin and water that supposedly reduces redness and swelling associated with acne as well as prevents any future outbreaks.

This news article is brought to you by CELEBRITY MUSIC NEWS - where latest news are our top priority.

Effective Tips On Using Eye Makeup Professionally

Here are a few basic tips and tricks on ways to apply eyeshadow. Eye makeup can totally alter the way you look. Fantastic eye makeup and be accomplished in several ways. The market is swamped with eye makeup products making bunches of options for us to choose from.

The secret to perfect eye shadow that lasts all day is to prime your eyes. Using an eye shadow base on your eye lids prior to applying shadow will not only enhance your eye shadow but plays a crucial part in making sure it stays put.

Practicing your eyeshadow and makeup over and over again will eventually make you a pro. Practice really will make perfect so don't be discouraged if you are unable to get your desired look first time.

Spend your time to master the art of blending.
Use your highlighter first. Use a light shaded shimmer, this will definitely look incredible. Add to the whole of your eye lid right up to the brow area.
Brush your selected light colour over your eye lid only.
Select a dark colour to sweep just above your eye lid.
Using a good quality blending brush, blend together your eyeshadow..
To create various looks by blending, you can also try putting on a lighter shade of colour over the eye lid followed by a darker shade to the outer half or quarter of the eye lid. This video is a great example of a look to wear in the daytime.

Don't be scared to experiment to find the perfect look to suit you. Experimenting can be a good giggle as there are so many different products out there for you. Try adding eyeshadow to your lower lash line of an ultra dramatic effect.

The greatest eyeshadow results are not likely to be accomplished with foam applicators.
Different brushes are available for different specific uses.. It is essential to use a purpose brush to develop amazing eyes. Here i have listed my favourite brushes.
A powder shadow brush will give you amazing blending ability resulting in a flawless finish.
A cream shadow brush will make it possible for you to create a creaseless finish with professional precision.
The smokey eyes can be accomplished easily using a hard angle, definer brush.
Smudger brush will allow you to really create the smokey eye look. You will have the ability to smudge you eyeliner, creating a softer sexier look.
To correct any flaws you can use a cotton bud.
Tip, can't find your brush? A clean finger can make a great applicator

This article is brought to you by MATCH.

Empty Nest, What Now?

One Day My World Suddenly Changed, The Empty Nest Hit Hard

It happened so fast I didn't grasp the empty nest thing right away and when the change finally dawned on me I felt like having taken the free fall from a 600 feet cliff and was waking up halfway down.

Not thinking about landing in the water, still bewildered, scared, little by little realizing the situation and not prepared at all doing a proper landing in the deep water.

You probably wonder what in the world I am talking about, what change?

Here is the answer

Your kids have grown up, safely and slowly, and the last one has just left home.

The home is silent, you feel this empty nest you have heard about but never really understood what was.

Now you do.

The kids you have nourished and taken care of almost 15-20 years as a mom, are not attached to you the same way any more - the change feels almost as if they don't like, don't care about you, but you know they do, and you try to send those self pitying thoughts away.

It feels so short time ago that they were crying when you left the house just to go food shopping without them, or the years they came running crying mommy mommy, laughing at you, with you and wanted to share everything they saw, felt and heard with you. Suddenly it is all gone!

Those feelings of belonging with them, being a part of them and they being an all day part of you. -Gone.- Of course you know that they have their own lives to live, but it feels like it is too soon!

You are crying and want them back!

Gradually they have become the late teens or older who now sometimes come home, first thing go to the fridge to find the goodies - and yelling: Mom, where is the ham, the burgers, the ice-cream etc if they can't find it. And their washing and ironing and cleaning is now your privilege to do as the empty nest mom - sometimes they thank you but it becomes more and more seldom. You might even still support them economically.

Their father or your partner is beginning to get really irritated because you have those feelings - he feels offended - and you don't understand why! These kids have been your life for so long, he should understand that!

One day someone tells you that your partner probably has been looking forward to this time of change - hoped for the time when attention would be more on him instead of on the kids who now want to have and live their own lives! You might think: "what a stupid idea!' You have always also taken care of him!

After a while you start to think about if you really have taken care of him, did you?

Or did you kind of forget him for the children?

You defend yourself with all the work it was with the kids, the time it took, the exhaustion you felt and thinking back you have no idea how you ever managed to come through those years!

Then you cry again because you miss those beautiful years with all the emotional roller coasters, the many happy times that constantly run through your head and won't let you alone. You want them back, but know it is not going to happen, those times have gone and you must let new times into your life if you don't want to spoil everything. Your "mom-time" is over and you need to become a real grown-up growing women taking care of your own needs.

It Is a Tuff Journey This Empty Nest - I Understand What You Are Going Through

The feeling of emptiness, feeling not to be anything any more, although being an active mother has taken all time, thoughts, creativeness and social life for years. It is gone! You are not part of this any more.

AND it is all a very big natural part of your growth in life.

Realizing you have to start again from scratch seems unbearable, but already the thought might make you feel less empty as you are growing to be somebody new, somebody of a different importance with something else that occupies your whole day. Your partner becomes suddenly more important, you see him in a new light and that light is not always the expected. You want everything to be good, want it to be successful for you, for the kids, for the family. For him.

So here you are asking yourself questions like:

"What do I do, the money my partner gives me to run the household suddenly makes me feel like a call girl."

You want to be respected and not for your sex, or even maybe former sexual attractiveness, but for your abilities to do something of lasting life value and for everybody.

Of course you raised the kids and that is a great job well done, but you feel that everybody takes it as an of course that you have done that. That is what you have been supposed to do all the time.

Having a job has for some years been out of the question or only possible for you without working for a career, so your income is not what you want it to be and maybe not your job either.

You now with your empty nest want to do something different now with your life - something of new importance, something that also gives an income so you don't have to ask for money. Now the kids are away you are not getting the money you used to and you feel you have to ask when buying stuff for yourself, even small things.

So are you tired of having anybody look at you as a problem that needs to be fixed?

Then take an instant energy-smoothie by getting clear on what you really want NOW.

For me it was starting a business.

Maybe that is also for you.

Pia Balling

Wishing you a wonderful life-journey with growth for yourself and everyone around you.

This article is brought to you by ONLINE DATING.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

How to Have the Ultimate Girl's Night In

1. Chick Flicks

It is finally time to disregard the moans and groans of every guy you've ever been with, and indulge in the satisfaction of watching an endless array of the sappiest of love stories. We don't care if the plot is the same in every film, because that is not what it is about, it's about the love at first sight, the sacrifices they are willing to make, and the "You had me at hello" moments. Grab the Kleenex and let the waterworks begin!

2. A Night of Pampering

Too much of your life revolves around too little of you. It is time to leave all the worrying to your significant other and take a night to think solely about yourself. Give yourselves the old spa treatment; including facials, cucumber slices, bathrobes, the works! Eat that calorie ridden, chocolate covered, ooey gooy mess and don't have a second thought about it!

3.Book Club

Reading an excellent book isn't just good for helping you fall asleep; it can create quite an interesting topic of discussion as well. Regardless if you love reading or haven't read a book since Dr. Seuss, give it a try! Our imagination is a miraculous thing that can take us to impossible places with a simple flip of a page. Discussing different interpretations of the reading can allow you to see the story from a completely different perspective!

4.Try New Things

Are you tired of doing the same old thing day in and day out? Bored of being on the same, repeating cycle? Well it is time to break this habit and learn something new! Yes, I said it, learn! Hire a professional to come and teach you and your girlfriends something new, whether it being self-defense, sculpting, or belly dancing, you never know what could be your new favorite hobby.


Now I realize that this is pretty obvious and you are probably wondering why this is even mentioned, but bare with me. Our society nowadays is constantly thinking about what we don't want to happen, forever focusing on the worst case scenario instead of looking around at how fortunate we are. It is easy to spend the night complaining about what you could be doing, or the people your around, or how annoying everything is, but what can make a simple girls night in go from ordinary to extraordinary is your attitude. Appreciate the people around you, flaws and all! If something "goes wrong" it doesn't mean the night is ruined, or even that what happened is necessarily a bad thing, it is all how you deal with it. You have your best friends around you and one night to make life-long memories with, so it is up to you. Will it be just another nothing special, boring, wishing you be somewhere else, girls night in, or will you reminisce of this night years from now, after you and your friends part ways, some remaining in contact, while others having drifted apart, but what will always remain constant is that one cherished memory that you all share of that one ultimate girls night in.

This article is brought to you by SINGLES.

More People Buy Clothes to Accessorize Their Smart Phones - Even Their Nails Match

Okay so, today I was sitting in Starbucks and there was a young lady, college age, sitting there are her laptop with her iPhone in tow. She was busy texting, surfing, and posting - perhaps on Facebook? Her iPhone had a pink cover, which matched her top, belt, and nails - both finger nails and toe nails. I thought that was interesting and made note of it. When she looked up, I said; "you are matching" and she admitted she'd planned it that way.

She told me she found the top and belt, and shoes which I forgot to mention, that matched her iPhone, she also has her nails painted by the Asian gals at the nail salon nearby pink to match too. It seemed too perfect to not be planned and I know those covers are expensive so I wondered if she had several covers, or if she had lots of tops, shorts, socks, shoes, and belts to match. Turns out she has been accessorizing herself based on her trusty iPhone companion.

Now then, I cannot say that I haven't worn clothes to match my scooter, so I am hardly one to make fun of all this, indeed, she looked nice, and it all looked right. Consider if you will how things have changed in this case. It used to be that you bought accessories to go with your clothes so they would match, but if your accessories are with you all the time, in the case of her iPhone, and if that iPhone is an extension of her personality, and if it contains everything about her, and if it is her add-on memory - then it is now part of who she is, and she can't change that.

Often people by clothes that fit their personality or personality displacement, or they go good with their eyes or hair color. You will note that some people have lots of attire in their closet of all the same color or various shades of that color because that's what looks good on them. Once someone purchases an iPhone with a special cover, then they are more likely whether or not they do it consciously to pick out clothes which go good with that new device that they take with them everywhere.

Most women have multiple purses which match various outfits, but what if they could only have one purse and couldn't change it? Then, obviously they would make sure that went with their outfit of the day, meaning they would have more outfits to match that purse, or at least outfits which didn't look awkward with it. Are you beginning to see my point? Indeed I hope you will please consider all this and think about these new trends.

This news article is brought to you by SPACE AND ASTRONOMY NEWS - where latest news are our top priority.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Filipino Women

"The women are the strength of your country"... When I heard this from someone, it just struck me and made me realize that it should take a foreigner to appreciate women in the Philippines. It made me see how a Filipina has evolved from a traditional homemaker to a highly competitive, career-oriented individual. Unique in personality, the women in the Philippines are very flexible; perseverance is the base to maintain their self-worth maneuvered by a gentle heart to easily extend sympathy to both significant others and a total stranger in need. Loyalty and faithfulness is the crown of a Filipina, setting her distinct among the rest of the women in the world.

The Philippines is a colony of different countries. Thus, inter-marriages have yielded a marked trait among its people. The only Spanish-speaking country in Asia, the versatility in English communication, and tenacity to excel in any field are the attributes that set Filipinos as highly skilled and most preferred workers. Though their country has major issues in economy, it never altered their minds in finding means to earn a living. Now that business outsourcing is becoming one of the lead income generators through international affiliation, most of the jobs offered in this inclination are catered to women.

Yes, the traditional Filipina who is just a homebody, soft-spoken, reserved and always tagged as the weaker sex is rarely seen nowadays. Single women predispose themselves more on the positive aspects of what is trending specially from the west, and eventually incorporate such modern influence with their individuality; this would ease the adjustments especially if with a foreign employer. But the real issue lies on married Filipino women wherein strength is defined. A working mother in the Philippines is guided by the rules of multitasking. She still has to perform her duties as a wife and homemaker while being a bread-winner in most cases nowadays. Not an ideal situation specially for women who pursue equality in rights, but for a Filipina it is just a typical day.

Basic necessities and the difficulties to provide for such requisites have driven these women to be the most bustling players in their society. Though there's a big change to a Filipina's traditional trait in order to be competitive, the main character remains which is being affectionate and caring. This is where loyalty also defines its purpose because a woman of substance rises early to tender the needs of her home, succumbs time management to still meet her husband's needs, pushes herself to be more knowledgeable to be able to contend, and still maintains her sanity despite of challenges. That loyalty and strength is an outline of a Filipina.

This news article is brought to you by ECONOMY BLOG - where latest news are our top priority.

Fashion Yesterday and Today

We are living in a world surrounded by numerous things that are either related to the technology, the latest gadgets or the latest fashion. And Fashion today has made its significance felt in almost all sectors of life. Fashion can be termed into two groups: One group which follows fashion trends and adopts them and the other group who create fashion and style statements for the others to follow them. It can also be extended to another set of people who rarely have anything to do with fashion trends but yet follow their own style to create their own unique personality; adding one more style to the fashion world.

Fashion is not just about cosmetics and make up or the hair-do. It is a sense of creating the charisma of looking good in anything you wear and this magic is created with the right kind of accessories going along with the foot wear and the clothes, making up a pleasant picture to view. Many a times, people who do not afford to buy expensive clothes look their best in their casual wear, just by presenting themselves in that manner of sophistication and creating an aura around them with the confidence of looking good.

There are myriad forms of fashion, and trends keep on changing with the seasons. From the early 60s and 70s to the present millennium, there has been an immense change in the forms, looks and thoughts about fashion trends.

In India, much of fashion has been influenced by the Hindi Film Industry, popularly called Bollywood. The trends that have changed through time can be fairly seen in the movies made during the 60s and 70s and how they have evolved in various forms bringing about a style that can be followed by the general public. People have aped the west from very early times and this was no exception. The clothes made in the 60s and 70s were very much influenced by the western countries and given a traditional touch. The Bell Bottoms, scarves and the hair style was very much prevalent in those days as an icon of style. Later in the 80s and 90s, Fashion world sizzled like never before. There was a craving by the people to look different, stylish and modern and this could be seen in their outlook towards their outfit, new styles of hair, makeup, accessories like purses, earrings, necklaces, matching footwear etc.

People were conscious about each and every new thing that was marketed and they copied the styles from their Bollywood idols. Bollywood started as a platform for theatre artistes and went on to become a commercial entry to the youths and aspirants for a career in the film and fashion industry. This gave the youth of today to emphasize on the fashion world. Art and music have become an inseparable thing of the past and so it is deeply rooted in the present as well with more features and facilities.

Today fashion, art, music, designers, dance etc all have a place in the industry and people can choose to take up anything related to this industry as their profession too. Art and music have long been implemented in the school co-curricular activities and the Higher colleges are now offering various courses for better professionalism in these areas. There are also various acting schools and the small screen i.e., the television has opened up avenues in bringing out the talent in the young minds through numerous platforms of music and dance. This is the innovation of the millennium in creating jobs and work in the fashion industry. The trends that we see are brought about by the fashion houses that have regular seasons to showcase their invention, many of which are popularized in FTV, Zee Trendz and TLC channels. We can also get a glimpse of the stylish outfits through these shows that the models present. Today, Modelling is also one of the platforms for an entry into the world of fashion.

In the yester years, fashion was constrained only to the actors in the film or those that were bold enough to carry themselves in the public that they were considered fashionable. Others just wooed them behind close doors. Slowly when times began changing, we could see the women showing off their styles in the traditional saree with an embroidered blouse and a different neck style. Then we saw the saree being draped in various styles like the Bengali style or the Gujarati style etc. The women were liberating their choice of freedom and it could be seen in their appearances with a high heeled slipper or the handbag she carried or the way she held her saree or the hair and the makeup she wore. All these changes brought about the invention of churidhars and then the salwar kameez and finally the fashion of dresses was out in the open. Women accepted to the fact that there was nothing wrong in looking good and the men of course, loved to see the attractive side of women and fantasized the idea over their spouses.

This change in attitude of the public was very well taken by the fashionistas and a huge market was created to meet the demands of the public. Today fashion creates a new look with distinct style for a particular person and keeps oneself updated with the latest trends seen in the market. This industry is popular for its glamour as well as the mixture of Indian tradition and culture put into the designer wear that the models showcase.

People love to experiment different textures of materials used in the outfits and so the designers give them a wide collection of dresses using all kinds of clothes. There is the traditional Khadi and silk combination that is presently creating waves seen in both men's and women's wear. Then we have the embroidery work in zardosi, swarovski studded tops and lehangas and multi stoned work in bridal collection sarees etc. Then the most sought materials like cotton, polyster, chiffon, crush materials used in varied iconoclastic designs and styles.

Always there is a hope for the designers that the youth want a change in the fashion and are glad to keep up the trend with a fusion of Indian and western mix of fashionable wear. Also the youth of today are very practical in their sense of styling for a particular occasion. Be it a party or for a marriage or the casual look, they want the best and they believe in looking the best. And to achieve this, people go one step ahead in ensuring that they have everything in their wardrobe for any kind of occasion.

Apart from the stylish clothes and fashion that is currently popular people want to try something that goes along with their outlook. So the market started towards the very own friend of a woman- The Hand Bag or the Purse. The Fresh look of a purse with magnificent colours and its stylish features like the chain handle or the jazzy zips with numerous pockets in different shapes attracted the public like never before. And with the increasing demand of the prices of branded purses, it became a must for every woman to complete her shopping. So did the other accessories line up by creating a place for themselves in the market. Just a few to quote, the earring and necklaces, the various Belts, hand bracelets and brooch, the stiletto and its wonderful embroidered, party wear slippers along with its brotherly high rugged shoes giving a perfect cowboy look etc.

Fashion has always been a very interesting topic for all women and now the trend has even challenged the men to compete for a more appealing look for a remarkable future in the world of Fashion to make it a full fledged acceptable thing for all genre of people.

Kiriti C Chavadi


This news article is brought to you by PERSONAL FINANCE BLOG - where latest news are our top priority.

Fresh Ideas for a Girls' Getaway

Have you ever reached that point where you are sick and tired of work and chores and you want to invest in some "me" time? Or do you feel disconnected from your girlfriends because you all are wrapped up in your careers and families? It is so important for girlfriends to come together every once in a while and spend quality time with one another. In order to make this time really special, here are some amazing ideas that all of you are sure to love.

Treat Yourselves to a Nice Dinner

When you have children, going out for dinner can consist of family restaurants or diners. Why not treat yourselves and do a ladies' night at a really nice restaurant? Save up your money and book ahead of time so that everyone can afford a meal without feeling guilty afterwards. Order whatever you like and do not forget about dessert. The great thing about a ladies' night out is that it is about pleasure and fun, not responsibility.

Book a Mini-Cruise

There are now companies that offer weekend cruises as opposed to week-long ones. This is a great option if you are busy with either your family or career. While a week away might set you back substantially, a simple weekend getaway is less expensive and you can easily go back to your life afterwards. It is indulgent without being excessive.

Do a Hot Stone Therapy and Massage Session

Going to the spa is a time-honored tradition amongst women. Pamper yourself with a relaxing hot stone or massage therapy session. These are really great for taking away stress and allowing for relaxation.

Book a Hotel Room

Going to a hotel room is basically a grown-up version of a sleepover. Instead of having it at one your friend's houses, book a hotel room for complete and utter privacy. This will allow all of you to talk, eat, watch movies, and catch up without having children or your husbands walk into the room.

Go Camping

This might not seem like an obvious choice for a girls' getaway but it is actually a lot of fun and oddly empowering. Setting up a tent, starting a fire, and cooking meals over a grill can remind all of you of the powerful and self-sustaining women that you really are.

When it comes time to get the ladies together, make sure to do it right. Do something indulgent and fun and make sure to treat yourselves. A good girls' getaway should remind you that your relationship with each other is just as important as your careers and your families.

This news article is brought to you by INTERNET NEWS - where latest news are our top priority.

5 Ways to Effortlessly Be Trendy in Fall 2012

Black and Blue

For this trend, all you need do is dig out that little black dress that every woman should have stowed away in her closet. Next, accessorize!! Go with navy blue bangles, necklaces, and earrings. I highly recommend choosing two of the three. For example, if you decide to do bangles, pair with navy blue earrings OR necklaces. Combining all three may result in a look that borderlines costume. If you don't fancy yourself as a costume jewelry enthusiast, enjoy the shoe/belt/shrug option. Again, choose two of the three in this category. The belt can work as your centerpiece; match either a structured shrug OR sexy shoes in navy blue to complete the look. Most black and blue outfits featured on the runway were structured or included geometric prints. Look for accessories that mimic these design effects.

Winter Whites

First of all, remember that there are different shades of white! There are ivories, creams, off whites, stark whites... the list truly can go on "forever". Layering of different shades may work in your favor if you prefer a look with a little more depth. As for myself, the idea of wearing a completely white outfit scares me, so I've interpreted the Winter White trend to be the following. Grab a white tank, velvet white ribbon, and a white knit sweater shrug that is constructed of chunky yarns. Thread the ribbon through the loops of your chosen bottom. In my case, this would be my dark wash jeans. Tie a bow off to the side for a truly holiday effect!


Military inspired pieces have been featured in a few seasons now, presumably due to the unwavering support that designers have for our troops. Go ahead and purchase a classic military-inspired piece. If lacking ideas, I'd recommend anything with two rows of buttons running down the front. Otherwise, purchase a piece in a classic military hue like olive or navy blue. For example, you could purchase a racer-back tank in solid olive green and accessorize with gold, military-inspired jewelry. Military-inspired jewelry includes 5-point 3 dimensional stars, eagles, or anything that resembles a seal/medal. Steer clear of gun and grenade charms. The focus should not be vessels of violence, but the honor of serving our country.

Reptilian Prints

Reptile prints, as with all animal prints, can be quite tricky to incorporate into an outfit without looking tacky. For a classic look, go with natural tones. If you've never been completely comfortable rocking the "louder", more obvious reptile prints, opt for a monotone material in a black, nude, or white. Try it on! You may be unexpectedly surprised. The prints themselves are pretty busy, so choose a simple tank, belt, or shoes. Make this your statement piece and pair with items that are more subdued. Remember, less is more! Tip: a good reptile print is natural in color and has shading where appropriate (if not textured).

Golden Opulence/Baroque

Now this is a trend that anyone who fancies the gold and shiny can appreciate! However, while I love the idea of a floor length golden gown, where would I wear it? Instead, sport a gold sequined tank or a tee that features gold foil printing. While you're shopping, think Kirsten Dunst in "Marie Antoinette". If you love your basics, grab a comfy tee in a neutral tone and pair with all that is shiny! Indulge in necklaces, rings, and bangles that feature chunky gemstones (real or fake) set in gold. Finish with a gold belt or slippers (AKA flip flops). Be royal!

Monday, August 20, 2012

Brokennes Is TheKey to Finding Your Everything

If we are honest, we know that sorrow and suffering are inevitable parts of life. Loved ones die. Dreams crumble. We lose things we love. Eventually, everything we hold dear will slip through our fingers. Not a very comforting thought, but a necessary one. Why? Because loss gets us thinking, it leads us to brokenness, and brokenness determines what happens to our hearts.

The inner loneliness we experience there, the kind that sandblast us to the core, is the best place---sometimes the only place for us to decide who or what will be our everything? We can't sit on the fence with this one, because every loss and every trial we face will lead us back to the same question.

Many of us have been standing in the river of doubt far too long, causing us to build sacred idols to things that will never satisfy. We say Jesus is everything, but we've put people, relationships, talents, looks, abilities, careers, and self-sufficiency on the altar of our hearts, leaving second place for lover of our souls.

If we're going to move beyond brokenness, keep our faith intact, and allow Christ to be our everything, we have to obtain a decided heart about God, otherwise, when bad things happen we'll forfeit our faith for a cheap substitute.

In her new book, Everything ,releasing October 16tth, Mary DeMuth asks us to consider three powerful questions: to help us decide:

· What do we think about God?

· How do we allow Him to reign in our hearts?

· How do we obey him?

What we believe about God, what we think and feel about him over time will inevitably impact how we order everything in our lives. Remember, the enemy of our soul has but one goal in mind: to bring epic disaster into our lives and make it look as if God is responsible for it.

If he can do that, by dealing a mortal blow to our hearts, we will live in the shadow of his lies, walling our off our hearts to God and struggling to accept that God is good and trustworthy. And if we believe we can't trust God we'll look elsewhere for our everything.

How do we decide about God? Through knowing. Real knowing-the kind that changes us from the inside out-happens as we change our perspective about who God should be and discover who he is.

If you and I want to decide about Jesus, we must search the Scriptures, put aside the false concepts that others helped create, lay down the conclusions we've have jumped to based on past experiences, and read the Bible stories intently with our hearts.

Then we must ask ourselves: Who is this God we claim to know? Healer? Forgiver? Merciful? Compassionate? Each story will give you a window into his soul, and I bet you won't find one to refute the message of unconditional love he came to bring. It's the essence of who he is.

Then, as you sojourn through those dark nights of the soul, you'll understand who he really is. You'll understand your heart means everything to him. And you'll understand that nothing in this life can be you're everything except Him.

This news article is brought to you by ECONOMY BLOG - where latest news are our top priority.

Women's Clothing In The Wild West

Women's clothing, both as an identity marker and as a fashion statement, has been around for a long, long time. But today's cocktail gowns or designer shoes still has its origin from somewhere, even if it can be hard to picture Kim Kardashian swagger around outside the saloon located on the muddy main-street of a pioneer village.

But for the ladies of the wild west as it is for the modern ladies of today, still had to, and was apparently interested, in acquiring the proper outfits for where they were in life. The question of status was even more tied to their wardrobe than it is today.

The Pioneer

The women living in a pioneer community, which meant breaking new ground into unknown territory, living under hard conditions and dire circumstances, their wardrobes was equipped accordingly. If you have seen "The Little House On The Prairie" you probably know what I am talking about. Even if life out there was seldom as cuddly as that shows portrays it, at least the outfit with a tight collar, strict blouse and white linen cap covering their hair was based on a real story.

The Western Lady

Although a substantial middle class was hard to come by during the days of the wild west, there was still plenty of elegant ladies around, carrying themselves with poise and dignity, with their ankle long black skirts and embroidered vests, at times even sporting a smaller version of the typical cowboy hat.

This was the attire for a mature woman, someone who had and still was, raising a family, someone who had a home to tend to and man to care for.

The Saloon Girl

This is really the true origin of the entire lingerie business. The sexy outfit of the girl who was hired to strut around the crowded tables with the assignment of getting cowboys and gun-slingers to drink as much possible, has provided the base for countless of collections of girdles and stay-ups.

The Teacher

As a respected profession this required a professional attire. Being a teacher was one of the few jobs a single female in the male-dominated world of the wild west could have without risking to be looked down upon by their female peers or men of moral.

Women had to carefully navigate through a social landscape that viewed gunning a man down for cheating during a game of cards was swift justice, but a woman showing too much of her leg as a deviant. So the schoolteacher was often seen wearing a long patterned dress with a wide base at the ankles. The only accessory they allowed themselves was a small umbrella, more for sun protection than heavy rains, and you could see them on their way to and from school with that umbrella resting on a shoulder, gently twirling it with one hand.

So you could easily claim that the supply and fashion when it comes to women's clothing has come a long way since those early days of hardship.

This article is brought to you by MATCHMAKING.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Are Women Underrepresented In the Construction Industry?

The other day, I was reading an interesting book from the construction industry. It was written by a veteran of the industry who was a rather well accomplished lady who went back to teach construction management in college and got her PhD. Things have changed a lot in the construction industry, and nowadays it's quite common to see women at the top of the food chain running these companies. Okay so let's talk about this for second shall we?

Back in the early 80s only about 7% of the people in the construction work were women, it was back then at least, predominantly a man's game. Still on the construction management side of things it was about 13%. Today, the numbers have drastically changed, and although men still outnumber women the door is wide open and the numbers have now more than tripled. Some have said that women do better than men in management due to their ability to build positive business relationships, and on the construction work side their attention to detail seems to suit them extremely well for quick upward advancement.

Let me recommend a very good book to you, where I had found this information; "Construction Management Jump Start - Construction Management Basics - The First Step toward a Career in Construction Management", by Barbara J Jackson PhD, DBIA. Not only does she predict this trend to continue, she expects that there will be a day sometime in the future that there will actually be more women than men doing construction management.

Personally, that wouldn't surprise me, especially what I've seen with today's woman entrepreneur charging ahead and leading the field of so many industry sectors. There will be of course the transition period, which we are going through now, where hardheaded men will have to give up their sexist perceptions and discriminatory thought processes. It appears that we're getting over that hump right now. After all, it doesn't take a construction worker who is a man working on very many projects being led by a woman with a favorable outcome to change his mind.

These women today who are working in construction management are getting the job done, they're doing it on time, and staying on budget, often better than the men, and that should be telling us something. Next time, you see a construction project don't assume that there is a man in charge of it, it could very well be a woman, and she's doing one hell of a job. Please consider all this and think on it.

This article is brought to you by RELATIONSHIP ADVICE.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Knowing the Hairstyle That Fits Your Face Shape

You have to choose the hairstyle that will match the contour of your face. A mismatch will certainly not look good on you. Your best option is to consult an experienced hairdresser. This expert can tell you the style that matches your countenance. There is a basic rule in hair styling regarding face shapes and haircuts. The oval-shaped face is considered as the most ideal to the human eye. This should serve as guideline for you and the hairstylist. Below are some tips that can help to choose the perfect haircut when you go to the hair salon:

  • The oval is just the right shape so you can get away with any cut. You can go for the well-cropped or contemporary shag which look best on lean faces. However, be careful with the short look especially if your scalp does not have a flawless form. A very short trim may look distorted.

  • For round faces, you can opt for variable styles such as layers that are cut on the sides of the cheeks. These are more suitable than the flat, straight and smooth styles. The layers dropping around the cheekbones will make the face appear thin. The hair at the top produces an arched look and stretches your round face. If you have a sphere-shaped neck, uneven tiers just about the collar will hide the fatness. You can also opt for bangs that descend close to your face.

  • If you have a long face, your goal is to give it a shorter look. This can be made possible by choosing sheer fringes and jaw-length cuts. Avoid the long and formless cuts or straight and bobbed fashion which will only make your face look elongated. Make sure that the dense portion of your hair is at the back of the ears and low down on top. Women with pointed jaws should avoid hair curling towards the chin.

  • If you are blessed with a square face, stay away from cropped hairstyles or proportions that will only draw attention to the four-sided figure. Smooth curves will tone down the square look along with fluffy bangs. Avoid the rounded forms and solid lines that can only magnify the square shape.

  • If your face tapers at the base and looks wide at the crown, you need to conceal the hairline with layered bangs and a broken up style that flips at the edges. If your hair curves outwards instead of turning towards the inside, this will look better. This approach balances the shape by adding volume underneath your chin. If your face is shaped like an inverted heart, there should be plumpness on the top of your head to match with the jaw.

Some women prefer the popular universal cut which extends to the shoulder with slim layers and long bangs that are described as side-swept. This style is said to be suitable for all ages, types of hair and face shape. It is very simple but looks elegant. There is nothing wrong to try it out and see if it will be a perfect fit for you.

This news article is brought to you by GLAMOROUS FASHION NEWS - where latest news are our top priority.

How To Keep Your Sterling Silver Jewelry Clean And Shiny

My wife and I have been in the Jewelry business for over 25 years. "The Jewelry Lady" who I happen to be married to is my partner at a Company called "Accessory Snobs" and we do special events at various Sam's Clubs nationwide.

During all the years we have been in the business I can attest that my wife has somehow mysteriously been able to keep all her Sterling Silver Jewelry looking like the day she bought it all. So I asked her and here is my take on what she said...

How does an Accessory Snob take care of her jewelry...

Being an Accessory Snob means you are committed to your jewelry AND accessories. You are like "that's hot, that's not... " and being so committed, you must enlighten others around you so that they too, one day can become properly accessorized like you are.

As she is the head Accessory Snob in her area of expertise, she has found that there are some VERY basic care and cleaning instructions for jewelry of all types. Since this is going out to the masses, forgive me if I am covering old ground with you on things you already know, there may yet be some pearls of Accessory Snob Wisdom you may be able to glean from these words...

So here are a few of our tips...

The most important tip I will tell you is never ever sleep in your jewelry. You just never know what the heck it is going to catch on. Then if you do sleep in it, it inevitably lands up in the shower with you which leads to my second big no-no.

Do not shower with your jewelry on. The shower is no friend to jewelry. Jewelry just gets dull from the different products we use on our bodies and hair not to mention softeners in the water.

So then what the heck do you do with it when you aren't wearing it?

If it's sterling silver you want to keep it in a plastic bag. You want to get all the air out of the bag as well. If you don't get all the air out, your silver will tarnish which is a chemical reaction silver undergoes with the oxygen in the air.

When silver tarnishes it combines with oxygen and forms silver oxide. Silver oxide is black. When a thin coating of silver oxide forms on the surface of silver it darkens the silver. You may see it as a patina of gold coloring to black. The silver can be returned to its former luster by removing the silver oxide coating from its surface.

You can also put a piece of aluminum foil in the bag. Very important, only one piece of silver jewelry in the bag. This will keep the silver from oxidizing or tarnishing.

If your PLAIN silver has tarnished there is a home recipe you can use. NOTE this is for plain silver only do not use this if there are any stones in or on the jewelry.

Line the bottom of a pan with aluminum foil. Set the silver object on top of the aluminum foil. Make sure the silver touches the aluminum.Cover the jewelry completely with very warm water. For every gallon of water you use, use a cup if baking soda. If you use a half a gallon of water use half a cup of baking soda.

You can add a quarter teaspoon of salt. The water will start to froth a bit and spill over the container so you want to do this in the kitchen sink.You may need to change this mixture several times and go through the process over and over. When you see that your jewelry is clean you need to rinse it completely. Then place it on a dish towel or paper towel and dry it with a blow dryer. PLEASE note, do not dry while in your hands. The silver will heat up and burn the heck out of you!

A store bought silver cleaner which is wonderful is called Dip It. Please read any instructions carefully. Not for use with stones of any kind! Most silver cleaners allow for 30 to 60 seconds in the solution and that is it. These cleaners are very strong and if silver jewelry is left any longer than the recommended directions the jewelry can get severely damaged.

For sterling silver with stones you have to use a polishing cloth. Just never polish the stone itself as the chemicals in the cloth can take off layers of your natural stone, abalone and mother of pearl.

Swarovski Crystal can be kept in a gift box, plastic bag or just separate slot in your jewelry box. You never want anything touching the crystal itself. So pull the chain away from it so as not to touch the crystal. You can use a micro fiber cloth on the crystal to take off smudges.

The rest of your jewelry should just go in the jewelry box in its own compartment. Omega's should not be clasped, just loosely wrapped around itself like a coil.

For cleaning gold and diamonds, here is a homemade recipe. I do not like this for rings with rhodium plating on them. This is for solid gold only and NO PEARLS or OPALS. I mainly use this for my diamonds only or plain gold. (For semi-precious stones omit the ammonia.)

FIRST!! Open the windows... get a glass or a coffee cup.

Fill it half way with warm water. Add about 2 tablespoons of liquid dish soap.

Then add about an inch or so of ammonia. Let your jewelry soak in this.

Sometimes you can put this in a container with a lid on it and leave your wedding ring in it over night. Then after soaking use a soft toothbrush to get anything left in it.

Important hint! Then before rinsing, make sure the drain is stopped up so your ring can't go down and then rinse away.

After rinsing the jewelry again use the blow dryer. Do this and you will see spectacular results.

Please remember and note very well... you want to open your windows when using ammonia. If this smell bothers you, you can completely omit it from the receipt. The hot water and the liquid soap is a great cleanser all by itself.

This news article is brought to you by FREE ROMANTIC DATING SITE BLOG - where latest news are our top priority.

Use Your Clothing "Heart Photos" to Remind Yourself of Your Many Achievements

It is very easy at any time of the year to beat ourselves up for all the goals we feel we should have achieved and did not.

The same applies to our clothes. The disappointments are ready to ambush us every time we open our wardrobe doors.

There are the jeans we planned to fit into this year and still we cannot fit into them. There is the new jacket we bought for that special event that never happened. There is the jewellery that has not been fixed a year later.

Girls, it is time to pull out the heart photos to balance all that grief.

What are heart photos? They are your heart's record of the times it sang with the pleasure of being you. Sometimes there is a digital photo but mostly not. You were too busy being happy in the moment to take a photo. Yes, they can be called memories. I like the term heart photos because it is you celebrating being true to your heart.

Here are three ways to enjoy some clothing heart photos so that you skip refreshed and renewed into tomorrow.

Who We Became

Amongst your wardrobe are some clothes that defined you over the last year. Maybe there are clothes, shoes or jewellery that you bought or wore differently to define a better or newer version of you. In the past months you won a promotion or an award; you decided to really step into your business; you got married; you became single; you gave your first public talk or you started your first newsletter.

This newer version of you was reflected in the clothes and accessories you chose to buy and wear. So take one or more of these items out of your wardrobe and thank it for supporting you when you gave that speech or dressed better at work or at networking. Your clothes are part of you. Thank them now for reminding you of who you wanted to be and who you have become.

Pleasure Given

There are clothes and accessories in your wardrobe that always make you feel good whenever you put them on. You choose to wear them for that special feeling it gives you. Maybe you always get compliments wearing it or maybe it makes you feel energetic, younger, slimmer or more professional. It might also be clothes associated with a coffee or a movie shared with a partner or good friends.

Take those items out and thank them. The heart photo is the visual memory plus the good feelings. Remember some of the times you wore them recently. Recall the laughter and the conversations and the important people in your life.

Old Faithfuls

Glamour is seductive. Old faithfuls are the basics of your life. They are that pair of pants or skirt that can be dressed up with other clothes. They are the black shoes or the black handbag that goes with everything. They never fail you and they make whatever else you wear look even better.

Think of them like the character actors in a movie. Every big movie star knows that a great cast makes them more believable and more memorable. So take the old faithfuls out and really appreciate the background clothes of your life.

Now you have balanced the grief and the gratitude. Go and happily make your new intentions knowing that you and your wardrobe are a great team.

This news article is brought to you by MOVIE GOSSIP NEWS - where latest news are our top priority.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Out of Date, Out of Sight, Out You Go - Clearing Out Your Unwanted Clothes

We have a small non-venomous python snake either living in our yard or in the local neighbourhood. It is only an accident when I glimpse it. That is the way I like it and we both live in peace.

I was reminded of it when I saw its slowly decomposing, discarded skin in my back yard.

What has this to do with modern dressing? Let me explain.

Our local python is my inspiration for this article on regularly de-cluttering your wardrobe. Read on for three hints based on the cycles of nature.

Let Us Part Company. You are Out-of-Date.

Many animals like our neighbourhood snake shed their skin or their fur once a year. When the old covering is out-of-date for the coming season or its future needs, they part company. Deciduous trees lose all their leaves once a year. Even evergreens shed a certain portion of their leaves annually.

That is a good guide for you. At least once a year go through your wardrobe with a discerning eye. Do not toss out everything like our snake. Do get rid of clothes that have passed their use-by-date. They may be too small, too big, too baggy, too staid or too much like everything else in your wardrobe. The same applies to your accessories. How many handbags and pairs of black shoes do you really need?

Out of Sight So I Can Re-create Myself

Our neighbourhood snake shed its skin on our pool patio. It shed it there so that wherever it lives stays neat and tidy. It does not store its old skin in a back cupboard hoping to fit back into it next year. It is out of sight and gone forever from its mind. Our snake is now free to re-create itself in a better version.

I am not a snake expert but am using this picture to help you get the real purpose of de-cluttering clothes and accessories. You do not do it to fill your wardrobe again with clothes and accessories that are almost or exactly like the ones you got rid of. That is reproducing yourself. Men's dressing is like that as their fashion styles do not change much during their adult years.

Dressing as a woman is about re-creating yourself. Yes, you may need to replace some classic items with similar ones. Aim to replace your discarded clothes with modern classics or classics with a twist like a top with ruched sleeves. Buy modern shoes and accessories to re-create yourself as ten per cent better. Changing a little regularly over a long time is easier to accept and maintain than an instant dramatic makeover like the ones shown on TV.

Out You Go - Downcycle, Recycle or Upcycle

In the natural world many things shed their unwanted pieces for recycling. Some like our snake's skin takes a bit longer to decompose than other things. Nature recycles the item where it is dropped. Women can recycle in three ways.

Downcycling is my term for destroying by cutting up, pulling apart or re-mashing. It is when you cut up your old tee-shirts into polishing or cleaning rags; you cut jeans into shorts or you put old clothes out for charities to collect and turn into rags for industrial purposes.

Recycling is passing on the unchanged item to someone else. It is swapping, donating or selling. Money may change hands or it may not. If you sell it, you usually get less than you originally paid for it. Vintage items are the exception.

Upcycling is a new term for an old skill. It is when you make entirely new and different items out of old items. Think grandma's depression-era thrift skills for today's economic climate, only it costs a lot more. You pay either for your or someone else's creative ideas, time, tools and materials. Danny Seo is a US upcycle expert who teaches people how to make things like fancy bowls from old tee-shirts. Tracey Trinder makes and sells skirts and bags created from old ties. The end result is a unique item. Google upcycling for more examples.

Last Words

Like my neighbourhood snake, clean out regularly; move the old out of your home and replace with items that create a ten per cent updated, modern version of you.

This news article is brought to you by GOING GREEN NEWS - where latest news are our top priority.

The Popularity of Fashion Blogs

The Internet is chock full of them - fashion blogs of different shapes and forms, expounding on the merits of skinny jeans versus boyfriend jeans. Or why pink is the new black and all that jazz. Going online these days means getting your fill (whether you like it or not) of the latest fashion trends by way of fashion blogs.

Perhaps some people would argue that fashion is not that important and it's something they can do without. However, if you think about it, fashion has always been part of our lives - it has always greatly influenced society and culture, mainly because it is made possible by factors like the weather, the environment and more significantly, by an individual's personal experiences, beliefs and values.

Fashion even helped define certain eras in history which involved class discrimination, the thin line between royalty and non-royalty and even social dressing restrictions. In the old days in Western Europe, government regulations prevented the bourgeoisie from dressing up in fine clothes so they wouldn't look like royalty. In China, the dragon was considered a symbol of the emperor and thus, should not be worn by non-royals. During World War II, the length of American women's skirts was restricted due to fabric rations. It just goes to show, fashion has always been a major influence in our life and that we've always lived with it - we just didn't know it.

Today's fashion-conscious people or fashionistas, as they are fondly referred to, live with fashion in different ways. They use fashion blogs as a means to check out new trends not to be perceived as cool or in, but to know what people on the streets are wearing. Fashion bloggers themselves have a firm grip on the latest styles and shy away from those that lean towards the "outrageously expensive" and suggest instead, what is cheap but chic.

Another reason fashion bloggers are popular is because they themselves were once fashion outs - outsiders who, due to their persistence and perseverance in gaining an upper hand over the so-called "snobs" in the fashion industry, have become lauded insiders. They send the fashion world spinning with their honest takes on this season's collections via honest and real takes on the current trends and how the ordinary folk may be able to carry them off.

They also possess a myriad of talents from which they derive even more influence for their blogs. Some of them host fashion events or dress the windows of the world's most famous and finest fashion storefronts. Still, others shoot look books and even walk the catwalk themselves. Such is the success of fashion blogging that even other major industries like advertising, want a piece of the action. Because fashion bloggers are faithfully followed by women everywhere, they have become potent personalities whose words are read and taken to heart like one would the Bible. And advertisers and retailers are eager to get their products moved in big ways.

Yes, fashion blogs are here to stay. In fact, it can be safely said that they are slowly but surely replacing magazine editors as the leaders of style and fashion. Fashion blogging is one industry where the huge payoffs outweigh all the risks - fashion bloggers may very well be the fashion world's answer to high corporate earners in the world of business who make business suits look good.

This news article is brought to you by SAVING MONEY BLOG - where latest news are our top priority.

Friday, August 10, 2012

A History of the Jade Gemstone

The study of gemstones, especially those that have enjoyed long, uninterrupted popularity, can be as much a look into the history of human culture as a study of hard science. Of all the historical gemstones, this is truly the case with jade. It wasn't until the 19th century that mineralogists discovered that what was known as jade was actually two different and separate materials, now known as nephrite and jadeite, each having similar properties. Apparently, this scientific fact was of little concern to the cultures that had developed such a deep appreciation for jade over thousands of years. Despite the differences between the two, both are considered to be true jade.

Not many gemstones can boast a 7000 year history. Amazingly, the history of jade unfolded around the globe as cultures that had no contact with each other discovered the beneficial, ornamental, and sometimes violent uses of jade. The toughness of jade allows it to be ground extremely thin and still hold up to hard use. The earliest jade items were tools, such as hammers and axes formed from jade cobbles, but it was also used for weapons. The Maori of New Zealand favoured local nephrite to fashion a short club called a mere that they used for close quarters fighting. As it became more practical to use metal for tools and weapons, jade came into its own as an ornamental material. With a history as the royal gemstone of China since roughly 3000BC, jade is closely associated with Asian jewellery and art objects. Over thousands of years Chinese artists developed carving it into an art form and pushed the limits of what was possible. The toughness and durability of jade, which is considered to be greater than any other gemstone, might seem to be a hindrance to detailed carving. However, both types of the stone proved to be perfect for lapidary work. Other cultures also discovered the amazing properties of jade. In pre-Columbian Mesoamerica it was highly valued for ceremonial objects. Olmec warrior masks are fine examples of the precision workmanship and capabilities of the stone. Researchers were puzzled about the source of Mesoamerican jade until it was rediscovered in the late 20th century in present day Guatemala.

The properties of jade that were so admired throughout history are no less applicable today. As a gemstone it can be used for handmade jewellery in more ways than just about any stone.

This news article is brought to you by SAVING MONEY BLOG - where latest news are our top priority.

Mompreneur Balance - Why Living An Ordinary Life Is Really What Makes It Extraordinary

There are so many things written today about work life balance. Some say it's possible, others say it's a myth. Some claim that work is life and life is work, and that purporting to balance the two is silly, as one cannot exist without the other. Whatever your view, there exists the reality that, as a mom, balancing your work and your life with the aim of feeling relatively satisfied with both, is tough.

But I think part of the problem is that many of us haven't defined what we view as success. I hear from women time and time again, who think that they are failing and are suffering from feelings of guilt and even depression. Yet, it doesn't need to be this way: it all depends on your individual situation and what works for your.

The media has much responsibility in reinforcing the belief of the perfect woman.

Because we are bombarded with advertisements on a daily basis, who's sole aim is to sell us something, we start to believe that this is the standard we must adhere to. The old adage does apply here; that if you see or hear something enough times, you start to believe it.

The 1950′s housewife didn't have the media presence that we have, and modelled herself solely on her peers. Competition was not with a perfect size zero, three weeks after giving birth, model/actress with a personal assistant, chef and Tracy Anderson's number on speed dial. It was with someone who was perhaps a step above herself, who she aspired to be like; the standard was attainable with a little effort. In contrast, the standards we have today are so far out of most women's reach, that we feel like we're total and utter failures. But we're not modelling ourselves on something realistic. In essence, our values have become inverted.

Personally, my heroes are some of my best friends. One of them is a single mom, who's parents, who were only children themselves, have both passed away. She has other siblings, but they all live in Australia. Every day she struggles to do the best by her son, and meet her bills, and take care of her little family with absolutely no outside support. She is my hero.

Another is a friend who has four, soon to be five children, whom she home schooled until very recently. I've never even heard raise her voice to her kids. She parents with gentleness, kindness and compassion. They don't have a lot as a family, but boy are they grateful for what they do have. Their life is more about relationships and love, than material possessions. She is my hero.

I think as a society we need to redefine our definition of success away from the notion that he who dies with the most money in his bank account is the most successful. So many people are obsessed with living an extraordinary life. But I ask you, what's wrong with ordinary? Why does everything need to be sensational to be fun?

My advice? Find joy in your little moments:

Your children giggling uncontrollably

Time with your friends sharing stories and fun over a glass of wine

Your family piling around your kitchen table, bumping elbows and clinking glasses as they eat, drink and be merry.

This is living and this is where you have a chance to experience joy and find balance. Make the little things matter.

This news article is brought to you by SAVING MONEY BLOG - where latest news are our top priority.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Who Wouldn't Want To See A Man In A Skirt?

We've heard of man purse. We've heard of men wearing manicure. We've discovered guys garbed in women's clothes, no hang on, that's crossing dressing already (not that there's anything wrong with it.) But what about guys sporting skirts?

Kilts are common. They're a part of a Scottish custom particularly when they're having a wedding. You can even find kilt rentals available for that sort of theme. But what if men begin putting on kilts for everyday outfit? Wouldn't that be the revolution of the century?

But, the reality is, men's skirt, apart from kilts, are definitely more prevalent than we think. For the lengthiest period, gentlemen had been putting on skirts and not simply for the reason that it's cozy. Impressive men, men of faith based influence, guys who go into battle, look at your history textbooks and you'll see all of these men dressed in skirts.


In older days there weren't really any pants. Everybody donned skirts. Pants are in reality underwear, like underpants or long johns or panties. Skirts were first devised in Armenia in 3,900 B.C. Woven from straws, males and females of any culture wear skirt and possess their own variation of it. There's lungi, kanga and sarong in Asia and the common kilt in Scotland.

Should you examine historical Egyptian paintings, you could basically see the proof that everyone from the pharaoh down to the slaves wore skirts. Sumerians donned skirts. Greeks donned togas. Chinese wore dresses. And let's keep in mind the kimonos that the Japanese love to put on.

World domination in a skirt

Even the Macedonian king, the well-known Alexander the Great dominated the whole world, riding horses and leading combat, dressed in a skirt. He could say it was a tunic, but if it's not stitched in the middle it's a skirt. When Christopher Columbus found America he was dressed in a nifty little knee-high skirt.

This brings us to the idea that maybe if Hitler had put on a skirt he'd have been successful in ruling the entire world. Although we're digressing and that's an additional story. But you should give it to the Aztec Indians who put on nothing else but loincloths. And it's simply to cover the sensitive parts of the body.

Skirt-wearing declined sometime around the Victorian times. That's when gentlemen were regarded too flashy with their attire and were demoted to wearing more sober clothes. Thus emerged the trousers and skirts were never witnessed again in men.

Making a comeback

The rebellious decade of the 1960s observed an effort to revive skirts on guys. There came this unisex fashion movement which tried to cloud the line between men's garments and women's garment. However the skirt thing didn't seriously become fashionable. The best it completely changed among guys were velvet trousers, flowered or frilled shirts and neckties, and long hair.

In the 70s, a person single-handedly made an effort to encourage men to put on skirts. He contended that they're practical since it doesn't abrade the groin spot, it's cool on a hot climate and symbolically, men can soak up feminine attributes. He published many articles on it, made a tour on talk shows. Clearly skirt wearing still never caught on.

Nevertheless, it's early. Trend has a strategy for recycling by itself. There will come a period when it's not just the kilts that men will wear but actual skirts.

This article is brought to you by FREE DATING.

Don't Be a Victim at College - Things Young Women Need to Know and Do

Is this your first time away from home? First time going to live in a college dorm? There are a few things you must keep in mind, prepare for and you must accomplish before you are ready to live that college life.

How should you prepare? Here are some very important tips to remember, complete and have in hand.

  1. Do you have a roommate? You should contact your roommate before you head to the dorm. You want to understand your new roommate's safety concerns, ideas for a safe living environment and all around campus security.
  2. Make sure the door to your residence hall remains locked at all times. You wouldn't just leave the front door to your house open, would you?
  3. Lock your dorm room at all times. When you are in your room and when you are away, keep your door in the locked position. You need to make sure your roommate agrees with this security measure. I am sure once you explain that locking your door keeps the bad people and rapists away, your roommate will agree. Most rapes happen by people you know and happen mostly on the weekends.
  4. Never let anyone you don't know in your residence hall, this includes the pizza delivery person. Not letting someone in doesn't make you look like a jerk. It makes you look like a good neighbor and if the person is supposed to be in your hall, they'll be grateful for it. The pizza delivery person can meet their customer at the residence door.
  5. Keep your keys safe. Be sure to stow your keys in a safe place at all times. This includes your car keys.
  6. Lock your car door at all times. Like your dorm room, keep your car locked. Keep it lock when you are in it and when you are not. You do not want to be driving and get jumped by someone hiding in the back seat.
  7. Carry Pepper Spray, Mace, a Stun Gun or Taser. Pepper spray is easy to carry. There are many different styles to choice from. A lip stick spray resembles lip stick you would carry in your purse. A Mace Pepper Spray gun is a bit bigger but to see it is intimidating in itself. This too can be easily carried in your purse.
  8. Use a personal alarm. Personal alarms are easy to carry on your belt, in your purse, on a wrist strap and have different functions. You can buy types that have flash lights, 130 Db sirens and can hang on your dorm room door handle and act as an intrusion alarm.

This news article is brought to you by ANIMALS AND PETS - where latest news are our top priority.

A Guide To A New Wardrobe Of Womens Clothing

So you are one of those sick of the womens clothing representing the old you, and you are looking to make a clean break with your old self; the future is looking shining bright and you want to wear the top to bottom items that will let that shine through. You have seen those old rags hanging there, taking up an unnecessary amount of closet space, and this space you now fill the need to see vibrating with new life.

The Fundamentals

Taking it one slow step at a time, redecorating your whole wardrobe do take some planning and some well-thought out strategies, so the best way to get going is to start with the basics, such as t-shirts. Taking into account that you most likely are on a budget, and you have a long shopping way to go before you have completed your mission, t-shirts are an area were it is okay to cut some corners.

Since this is an item with a skin-tight mission so to speak, you will have to wash t-shirts more often, leading to them having a shorter staying power. They are a wear and tear item and you should not start building your new wardrobe on expensive t-shirts with a limited amount of shelf-life.

Jeans, on the other hand, is the foundation of any modern woman's wardrobe, with the versatility of areas where they can be used and, if carefully picked, strong staying power, a couple of nice jeans would be sufficient to carry you through all types of situations. You put them on as your about to go out and do a little gardening, as well as when you are about to go out and have a nice dinner at a fancy restaurant. Jeans will take you a long way.

The Next Step

Tights are fine, they are useful in the mix and matching of your style, but do not spend a fortune on one pair of luxurious tights when cheaper ones can be as durable and beautiful as the more exclusive ones. Remember to save your money for the things that truly will make you stand out, and if you want your tights to do that, you do not have to get them labelled with a posh brand.

The Bra is a vital ingredient in your overall appearance, so in this department you should definitely treat yourself to some fine garments. Even though they are worn underneath your clothes, for the most part, they will make a big impact on your physical look as well as a boost to your confidence.

Toning Your Body

Going regularly to the gym may not be the first thing you think about when you are trying to build a new wardrobe, but fact is that the emotional as well as physical benefits of training and getting in great shape, will make almost any part of your newly chosen womens clothing look great no matter what the cost.

This news article is brought to you by MOVIE CRITIC NEWS - where latest news are our top priority.