Monday, December 31, 2012

Fashion Mirroring Social Patterns In European Society

What was first born in the mind of a designer is manifested in the materialistic world as fashion to dress women, men, teens and children. Ideas, visions and creativity transformed with fabric, thread and skill into garments that delight, seduce and trigger the feel of identification in buyers with the item. The psychology of fashion is complex and intriguing and to answer the question: "Why do we buy what we buy?" will take a full book to answer.

Garments are next to a protection of our bodies against cold and heat, extensions of our personalities. Each person is unique, has a different taste and also responses to clothing styles in a very personal and individual way. Cultural and moral influences that colored our personality are revealed in the clothes we choose to wear. The financial background is made visible by fashion. The clothing people wear in general enables us to sort them into groups and subgroups. Remarkable is that it is even possible to identify the attitude a person has towards the society as such by the fashion they choose to wear.

Examples: fashion unites and fashion divides

Fashion divided first the rich and wealthy from the common man. It was restricted to the royal courts and families that had their say in matters of the state, the region, the city or were connected to it in one way or the other.

In the beginning of the last century fashion celebrated its entrée to the middle class and a bit later to the masses. Industrialization of the apparel industry made it possible that women of all social backgrounds could dress up with their personal choice of clothing yet within the guidelines of what was accepted and what was rejected in society and the choices they could make depended, just as today, on their budget.

Evolving fast and mirroring the moral standards, circumstances and lifestyles of the society as a whole, fashion broke free and went wild after World War Two.

Teenage fashion in Europe was heavily influenced by trends coming from America, which got it's foothold in the market. Young men started to dress up rebellious. Leather jackets and jeans created the "Marlon Brando Look", accompanied by a girl in high heels and slim fit pants, or a body-hugging, narrow skirt combined with a top that revealed a seducing cleavage was the top. The so called "Elizabeth Taylor" style caused for many girls a lot of trouble at home. This group was opposed by traditional dressed young men in suits, white shirts and ties. Their girls were dressed in pretty dresses, blouses and petticoats under the circular cut, full skirts. The two groups could not find much of a common ground. For the first time, fashion made visible, who is conservative and traditional and who is exploring new terrain, equipped with a restless, adventurous spirit and the desire for change.

This trend proceeded into the sixties when next to the conservative young people two additional groups appeared in Europe that could be identified by the fashion they preferred. Well dressed "Mods" in flower printed cotton shirts and velvet pants met the "Beatniks".

The Mods, interested in the arts, fashion and trends, cultivated the rules of society as a playground for their own needs and had no interest at all in politics. This group explored their limits within the accepted borders of the society and wanted to excel in originality. Organizing happy "Happenings" they were opposed by the anti-materialistic Beatniks that organized "Sit Ins" and demonstrations.

Stimulated by the music of Bob Dylan, Joan Baez and The Rolling Stones the Beatniks were representatives of the anti war movement and fought against restricting laws and for human rights. Politically active they could be identified on hand of their clothes: jeans, t-shirts and/or jumper and parkas. These items were their common uniting clothing style and valid for the female as well as male gender. This fashion in its simplicity was very much worn as others wear a uniform. Olive green and knee long, the parka with hood, was like a flag, signaling the attitude these young people had towards the society and in specifically the Vietnam War. This fashion was present when the students fought in the streets of Paris and Berlin and had not much in common with the beatnik culture in America. Denied by this group as "fashion" because fashion meant "consuming" it was nevertheless served as such to the Beatniks with pleasure. Levis was "the jeans brand" and a must have for each Beatnik that walked the streets of Europe. Fact is that Levis jeans were everything else then inexpensive then and only available in special Jeans Stores in Europe.

Impact of past fashion up to today

Groups were even more divided in 1970. Accelerating in speed fashion moved on in the 70ies and had for all new developing groups something on offer. It rather seemed that fashion was uniting all these different streams, attitudes, ethics and moral values or maybe better said: it took the edge off. The love and peace generation brought the Indian clothing style to Europe and America which turned out to be a huge resource for fashion designers, inspiring and boosting their creativity. Long skirts and dresses next to cute suede and jeans mini-skirts, floppy hats, the tunica for men and women. Bell-bottom jeans and worn out jeans enhanced with embroideries and colorful patches, this free-spirited trend left its footprints in fashion and comes back in many forms and shapes up to today.

Suede jackets in the style of American Indians with beaded décor and fringed sleeves, or embroidered blouses picked from various cultures, such as the Spanish Carmen Look, Torero pants for women and Boleros created the so called "Folklore Look" which was extremely popular in Europe. By opening up the treasure box of fashion of the world to young consumers, interest in other nations was stimulated and tolerance nourished - raising the awareness that everybody on this planet has something worthwhile to contribute and to offer and that we can share all the beauty of fashion. The Folklore Look is still coming back in cycles in a tuned down style and dresses nowadays women of all ages.

The Disco glitter style, inspired by celebrities such as the music group "Abba" and the film "Grease" released in 1978 only confirmed that movies and music were actually able to set trends, and history repeated itself just like in the 50ies. The disco style was reserved to weekend wear when young people went out dancing and many boutiques offer this style up to today as popular evening wear.

This article is brought to you by FREE DATING SITES.

New Year's Resolution

People love the idea of a new beginning, which is why annually, just before the New Year, resolutions are put in place with the hope that new goals can be reached and a better understanding of life can be formed. Resolutions are great motivational tactics to help put things into motion, but they are also a little intimidating. They are promises made to ourselves that can feeling binding and contractual because they are tied to a very personal longing to be a better person. Many resolutions get set to the wayside because of busyness, lack of commitment, or even fear. Don't let your ambitions escape you for any of these reasons. Here are a couple of common goals people make for themselves in the New Year and a few tips on how you can achieve them.

Getting Healthy

Whether your plan includes losing weight, gaining muscle, drinking more water or even quitting smoking, you must remember to do it gradually. If you're cutting something routine out of your life, the withdrawals you're bound to suffer will surely challenge your commitment. Begin slowly, making reasonable weekly goals for yourself. If you plateau at any point, keep steady and make adjustments to give you some leeway until your next weekly goal. While it's important to give yourself room for error, you mustn't allow too much flexibility. Your goal is progress, so the key here is to make a sincere and conscious effort so you can see real results by the end of the next year.

Saving Money

Imagining what a little extra money could do for you is all the encouragement you need to save. What will you put it towards? For some, that may be taking an overdue vacation, paying off bills, buying something frivolous or just building a rainy day fund. You might have to give up some unnecessary luxuries and replacing them with new, cheaper alternatives; making coffee instead of buying it and planning your meals at home instead of eating out. Keeping your objective in mind makes saving a lot easier to digest. Print out pictures or make notes to put up all around your home. Use a piggy bank for any extra change in your pocket at the end of the day. Keep reminding yourself of what's at stake.

Staying the Course

The best way to fulfill a resolution is to start off slow; making immediate drastic changes to your lifestyle will no doubt end in failure. Reward yourself every step of the way and keep moving. Communicate your goals with friends and family, so they bring them up from time to time, reminding you when you may have forgotten or lost steam. Find a common goal with someone else and pursue it together. Having a physical motivator is nearly impossible to ignore. Keep a journal with your goals inside, report your progress, daily, weekly or monthly and reward yourself after periods of time with the opportunity to splurge.

This news article is brought to you by FREE ROMANTIC DATING SITE BLOG - where latest news are our top priority.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Will Skinny Jeans Suit Me?

Skinny jeans have been a mainstay of women's fashion for nearly a decade, but they're still more of a novelty for men. So while the ultra-fashion conscious might wear jeans every day, the average man is more circumspect.

They're not as frightening as them might seem, however. Jeans can do great things for your figure, and their versatility means they can be easily dressed up or down. Not sure if skinny jeans will suit you? Read on to find out how jeans could be your fashion saviour.

Advantages of wearing skinny jeans

If you're used to wearing baggy or boot-cut trousers and jeans, jeans can be a revelation. Unlike most women, the majority of men don't stop to think about the size and shape of their legs so seeing them tightly framed by jeans is a wake-up call. If you're a petite man, jeans may have the effect of making your legs appear longer, adding the illusion of height to your physique. And for tall and slim men, most jeans highlight slender attributes without over-emphasizing them.

Of course, not all men will suit super skin-tight skinny jeans. If you've got a slightly larger frame, you might be better off looking for slim-cut jeans. These have the same trimming effect of skinny jeans but without their figure-hugging tendencies. On the other hand, if you love skinny jeans and want to go even tighter, men's leggings - or 'meggings' - might be worth a try. But be warned, these are unforgivingly tight so you'll need a lot of confidence to pull them off.

Tips on wearing skinny jeans for men

Jeans look their best with a baggy t-shirt or loose vest. Don't be tempted to pair them with tight-fitting upper body wear as this over-emphasises the figure-hugging look. For a casual weekend outfit, pair denim the jeans with a graphic tee and a denim jacket, or with a plain t-shirt and loose-fitting cardigan. If you're considering wearing jeans to the office, consider your work dress-code first. If your work requires smart or smart-casual attire, jeans may be a little too informal. Slim cut jeans, however, suit a smart-casual dress code and offer a similar finished outcome.

Shoes are very important when you're wearing skinny jeans too, just as important as Women's clutch bags on a fancy night out. Look for ankle-high trainers or doc martens to complement their slim taper. For instance, white Converse All-Stars would look great with denim skinny jeans, a plain t-shirt and a cardigan. Or, for something a bit smarter, pair corduroy jeans with ankle boots, a collared shirt and a v-neck jumper. And for the really adventurous, jeans look great with classic cowboy boots and a crisp white shirt. A Stetson, however, is optional.

This article is brought to you by SINGLES.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Is Fashion A Tool For Self-Realization?

The standard clothing of girls and women was for centuries a dress and a skirt with blouse and within these clothing types the designs for special occasions and festive events were created.

The social constraints put on women lost their grip around 1910 in the Western World; women gained more independence and took up careers. Mass production of clothing developed fast and made fashion for women accessible, affordable and more variety was available. Prior to this, fashion was reserved for the rich and wealthy.

Being granted more rights and codetermination in society and public life, women realized the need to reflect their newly adapted role in the clothes they were wearing. Equipped with a growing self-esteem and the desire to dress up in styles that signal their distinct personalities, new fashion styles were needed.

Until 1920 skirts of women reached down to the ankles and in the era of the "Crazy Twenties" a sudden change took place. The first mile stone was reached, when women discovered the beauty of their legs and that these were worthwhile to show off. The result was that the hem of dresses and skirts started to fluctuate between ankles and knees.

Physical constraints such as corselets were removed and replaced with brassieres that flattened the bust. Focus on the waist completely disappeared, instead the hips were garnished with loose sitting belts, creating a curveless style. The "Boyish Look" turned into a female revolution, not only in the history of women's fashion but the general role women played in society.

The first short hair style in women's history, called "the bob", was introduced and enthusiastically embraced by the female gender. For many it was a symbol of liberation from the traditional long hair, for others it was simply the fact that maintaining short hair is more convenient.

Ensembles of separate sweater and pleated skirt grew more popular by the day and suits dressed working women and girls. Participating in businesses and being part of the staff in offices, the suits were like a statement of the change that women were seeking a way to find their self-determined place in a world that was ruled by men. The fashionable straight cut style lasted a full decade and the liberation of traditional clothing proceeded with high speed in 1930.

In 1930 women replaced the straight cut fashion with a style that was more in line with their femininity. Graceful, slim lines and a natural waist enjoyed a growing popularity. Feminine shapes were again accepted and also emphasized. The length of skirts and dresses stayed for nearly a decade on mid-calf, to which we refer today as "Midi". At the end of the 30ies the hem ended 6 inches below the knee where it stayed until the forties. Slightly padded shoulders gave a hint what would be trendy in the 40's.

In "the forties" the attention for fashion had not as much space as many women wished for. Women had to replace the work force of men in factories and service industries because men went off to fight in World War 2. Women had to be mother and father to their children and kept the Nation functioning. They took on roles that were until then reserved for men only. The fashion then was held simple; the garments had to last a while. Nevertheless an appealing fashion could be showcased and the most eye-catching difference with past styles was the padded square shoulders, which are a kind of symbol for these years: a woman had to stand her ground and needed broader shoulders to carry the load. Skirts and dresses ended just above the knee and were tailored for a small waist. Most popular in this time was the suit composed of skirt and jacket.

Pants, reserved until then for the male gender only, turned also into a garment for women. Presented in a film by a female actress wearing a suit with pants and tie and looking breathtaking sexy, created the "Marlene Dietrich Look". The pants reached up to the waist and were closed with a zipper on the side. Using a fly for women pants did not even cross the mind of designers; it was simply out of question. Anyway the success of the pants was certain; they conquered the hearts of women in the Western World by storm and are since then vast fashion items.

In 1947 the "New Look" caught the attention of women, replacing the "utility fashion look" of wartime. With the return of the men, femininity in fashion was back too. Women wanted to look pretty and desirable; therefore the feminine flair of the "New Look" created by Christian Dior was enthusiastically embraced. Rounded shoulders, accentuated bust lines and a clearly defined waist marked dresses, coats and suits. Half-circle, ruffled dresses and skirts, were extremely popular. Collections offered more versatile designs, from plaited skirts above the knee to dresses that ended just below the calves.

Created on the streets of America was the fashion of teenage girls. Bobby socks, knee length skirts and sports sweaters was at the end of the 40ies their favorite fashion. This was swiftly picked up by the fashion industry having discovered a new target group.

Teenagers had the feeling that they were very different than their parents. Rock and Roll, the film industry, television and magazines in the 50ies confirmed this feeling as all these trends were in most of the cases not understood by parents nor approved. The fashion industry gladly fulfilled the need of these teenagers to be different. Jeans, T-shirts, leather and denim jackets were introduced and teenage fashion took off. The more rights for own decision making was granted to the young people, the more variety and fashion styles could be found in malls and boutiques.

During the 50ies the way fashion was presented changed drastically. Collections did not last a decade but changed to two collections in one year. An array of clothes was available ranging from full circle, ruffled skirts, supported by starched petticoats to the very popular dirndl dress. The 50ies brought new and dashing patterns to choose from to women. Cotton skirts with a tropical landscape showing palm trees, beach and a sunset printed all around or the cute, slim fit, polka dots ¾ pants that emphasized a pretty figure. Creativity exploded in Paris, after a time of hunger and the fear not to survive the next day. Life was lived to the fullest in Western Europe and America.

Fashion accelerated in the 60ies. From a revival of the "Marlene Dietrich Look" to the introduction of the mini-skirt that celebrates its success up to today. Gypsy followed by the Hippie Look, meaning: girls were wearing see-through batiste Indian shirts with no bras and long skirts or velvet bell bottom pants with embroidered tops leaving their belly uncovered. Jeans had reached the status of evergreens and dressed from teenagers to daddies. Grown women could wear anything they wanted, be it a mini-skirt or ankle-length skirt, figure-hugging narrow skirts or a suit with a rainbow colored blouse, pretty much everything was in fashion.

A loop back to a more conservative style was tried in the mid 70ies. Convincing women to choose a mid-calf length skirt as the only available fashionable length above a mini skirt failed miserably. Women demanded both and the fashion industry provides since then both.

End 70ies children were finally heard and since then designers create also fashion for kids. Children are allowed to choose from a huge diversity of styles & trends and have a voice in how they are dressed and have a clear idea how they want to look.

Fashion is picking up social trends and mirrors the roles of groups within a society. It is an extension of people's personalities and a tool to express self-realization. It seems that it also mirrors in how far these groups are allowed to express themselves freely in a creative, unhindered way.

This news article is brought to you by PARENTING KIDS - where latest news are our top priority.

How to Decide on the Right Evening Shoes For You

In this modern day and age you'll find a wide of variety of fashion shoes. The styles, shapes and designs are all different and interesting. One must bear in mind that each of these evening shoes are designed for ladies according to their styles and personality types. In this article I will explore different styles of evening shoes and which ones are suited to you.

Every lady has a unique personality which makes you special and interesting to the people you meet and know. Your shoes should complement your personality and style. They should make you feel comfortable and confident. Let's look at the different styles of evening shoes and determine which ladies shoes suit you.

  1. High Heel shoes - These are the most popular evening shoes. They usually have a thin heel of about 5cm high. These heels are quite sexy and can make you feel tall and elegant. But if you don't feel comfortable walking in a 5cm high heel shoe because you don't feel stable or comfortable, then I suggest you don't wear this style on a night out. Everyone will notice that you're not comfortable in them and this will hinder your image instead of enhancing it. Perhaps go for flat pumps shoes.

  2. Flat Pumps shoes - Many shoe designers have identified the need for flat fashion shoes. This means that you can still look elegant with a pair of flat shoes. Go for a stunning pair of flat silver evening shoes or even try one that has diamante detail on it. This will complement any beautiful evening dress; all the while you are still comfortable.

  3. Sling Back shoes - This is lovely for spring days. The shoe has a sling around the back of the heel so it's not completely covered. This adds another element to the shoe's design. If you are dressing for a cocktail party opt for a pointed toe shoe or if you are going to wedding a rounded toe shoe looks sophisticated.

  4. High Heel Sandals - This type of evening shoe is ideal for summer functions. Your feet can enjoy the openness of a sandal which you still look sexy in an elegant heel. For a night out, a diamante high heel sandal will look stunning and will grab all the right attention. Be sure that when you choose a high heel sandal, that none of your toes are squashed or peeling out of the shoe. This can be both unsightly and uncomfortable.

When choosing fashion shoes for your night out, keep in mind that comfort is a key, but also be sure to notice how the shoe appears on your foot. Does it make you look sexy or frumpy?

This news article is brought to you by DATING ADVICE 201 - where latest news are our top priority.

Alternative Ways to Control Acne and Breakouts

Most people equate blemishes and oily skin with adolescence, but I skipped over that whole period and started breaking out in my early twenties. I tried a couple of different products and found many to be too harsh for my skin, causing more pimples and irritation. Instead of finding a solution to my acne, I instead adapted a skill for covering up my skin, which of course only made things worse. With a new year just around the corner, I'm in the market for a skin care routine that can actually put an end to this nonsense. Below, I have a few cleansers and treatments worth looking into for sensitive, acne-prone skin.

Oil Cleansers

This sounds like a horrible idea, but I've been reading a lot of great reviews about it on the internet. Most people use oils like castor, jojoba, tea tree, lavender and oregano, sometimes combining a few of these into one mixture. Apparently the oils work well to kill acne-causing bacteria in the cleansing process without stripping the face of natural oils. This is a regimen best suited for people with sensitive skin as the oils have anti-inflammatory properties, soothing the skin instead of causing further irritation. Great recipes for mixing your own oils are readily available online through a simple Google search.

Witch Hazel and Aloe Vera

I use Purity Made Simple by Philosophy for my everyday cleanser. It's very gentle and doesn't irritate my skin like other face washes, but somehow my skin becomes aggravated by unknown elements as the day progresses. I've decided to try using Witch Hazel as an after-wash toner; it's soothing properties assists to calm the skin and eliminate redness. In addition to that, an Aloe Vera treatment can promote skin regeneration, reducing the appearance of acne scars.

Salicylic Acid Moisturizers

My search for a great moisturizer was exhausting, costly and unsuccessful until I found Kiehl's Blue Herbal Moisturizer with salicylic acid. Salicylic acid is considered to be one of the gentler chemicals used in treating acne, however it's still well capable of causing uncomfortable dryness. It paired with a moisturizer, however, counteracts the dryness, as well as, the greasiness that can occur with a moisturizer alone. This moisturizer goes on matte, absorbs quickly and hydrates the skin with assistance of herbal properties like cinnamon bark and ginger root.

Things to Avoid

Benzoyl peroxide is used in many commercial acne treatments, and while it may work for some, it can be very harsh on sensitive skin, as it promotes exfoliation. Any cleanser with exfoliates will damage the skin and cause irritation as well. Limit yourself to washing your face twice a day. Over-washing can lead to dryness; stripping your face of its natural oils will only lead to more oil production. If you feel your face is too oily throughout the day, try rinsing with water and dabbing dry with a paper towel. Another great way to reduce oiliness is to carry blotting tissues in your purse.

This news article is brought to you by PARENTING KIDS - where latest news are our top priority.

10 Budget Beauty Secrets - 100% Natural


Milk and honey sounds like a bedtime drink you give a child and indeed it is a delightful drink. For more than 2,000 years milk and honey have been used for skin care. Egyptian queen, Cleopatra, is said to have taken regular milk baths, and we all know what effect she had on men!

  • Honey, when applied directly to the skin acts as a humectant, meaning it attracts and holds moisture within the skin. Honey helps reduce wrinkles, keep up the skin's elasticity, heal wounds, reduce inflammation and prevent scarring. Milk when applied to the skin, acts as a moisturizer and also has soothing properties. Together, they can reduce the effects of ageing and keep the skin looking fresh and beautiful.

TRY THIS: Combine equal parts of milk and honey to make a nutrient-rich mask for your face, neck and chest.


Avocados are rich in vitamins, especially vitamin E, good fatty acids and antioxidants.

  • The vitamin E in avocado is a potent antioxidant which mops up free radicals and slows down the signs of ageing, while the high fat content makes it an excellent moisturizer. Avocado also has soothing properties - ideal for skin that is easily irritated.

TRY THIS: Make a simple avocado face mask by applying the pulp of half an avocado directly to your skin. Leave on for five minutes (a bit longer for more mature skins), then rinse off with lukewarm water. To fight dry skin, apply an avocado mask once a week.


Natural white yoghurt is a milk product rich in protein, zinc, healthy bacteria and lactic acid.

  • Helps clear up blemishes, treat fungal infections, tighten pores, and exfoliate and moisturize skin.

TRY THIS: Apply yoghurt evenly on your face and neck and leave it on for 20 minutes before rinsing it off with lukewarm water. For a super zesty facial, combine yoghurt with honey or fruits such as strawberries. Avoid sweetened and flavoured varieties of yoghurt as they contain ingredients that can irritate the skin.


Eggs are rich in protein, choline and lutein, for centuries used to moisture both hair and skin. It might seem a bit strange to have eggs on your hair or face, especially if it is your first time and you find the smell repulsive but the benefits you derive might just convince you to do it again.

Eating an egg a day will help your heart, brain, eyes, skin, nails and hair. What's more, if you replace your starchy breakfast with a protein rich egg, you will feel full for longer - and you will lose weight. Applied topically, the white of an egg helps tighten and tone your skin, while the egg yolk makes a great hair conditioner.

TRY THIS: Make an egg mask by separating the egg white from the yolk. Beat up the egg white a little until it gets foamy, then apply it directly to your skin, avoiding the sensitive eye area. Leave it on for 10-15 minutes before rinsing it off with lukewarm water. For drier skin, mix egg white with equal parts honey and olive oil.

TIP# Use egg yolk to make a rich conditioner for your hair; either use it as is or add a few drops of olive oil to the yolk if your hair is really dry. Leave it on for five minutes and rinse.


Oatmeal is not only a great breakfast cereal, it has a long history of being valued for skin care. Egyptians used oats to beautify their skins as early as 2000 BC.

  • Oatmeal is a cheap, natural and effective exfoliant which is gentle enough even for sensitive skin. Oats contain polysaccharides, which become gelatinous in water and leave a fine protective film on the skin, preventing dull flaky dryness. Oats are also full of healthy lubricating fats which moisturize your skin and, also, have natural cleansers called saponins that gently remove dirt and oil from the pores.

TRY THIS: To make an oatmeal exfoliating face mask, mix a tablespoon of oat flour with two tablespoons of hot water. Avoiding the eyes, apply to the skin, leave for five minutes, then rinse off with lukewarm water. For more benefits add a few drops of honey to the mask.


Bananas are a healthy addition to your diet and your skin care regimen. The pulp is good for topical application, but if you really want to get the full benefits of this yummy tropical fruit, eat the banana and use the peel for your skin.

  • Banana peels are chock-full of antioxidants, lutein, fatty acids, vitamin C, potassium and anti-bacterial properties. The inside of the banana skins used to treat skin blemishes, the effects of sun damage, eczema - even psoriasis. Other skin benefits include reducing inflammation, increasing circulation, boosting collagen production, reducing appearance of wrinkles, preventing new ones from forming.

TRY THIS: Gently rub your clean skin with banana peel. Leave on as long as you can before rinsing your face with lukewarm water.


The use of vinegar - usually combined with variety of plants or essential oils - for cosmetic purposes traced back to the Romans and was fashionable during to 19th Century as vinegar de toilette.

  • Vinegar is mildly antiseptic, so can prevent the growth of bacteria, viruses and fungi on the skin. It helps restore the natural acidity of the skin, which causes problems such as dryness, itching, flaking and acne. Mixed with onion juice, vinegar may help reduce age spots. For best results, use only top quality cider vinegar.

TRY THIS: Oily skin? Try this easy apple cider toner. Mix 2 tablespoons of apple cider with 2 tablespoons of distilled water. Avoiding the eye area, apply the toner to your face with cotton pad. Rinse with lukewarm.


Mayonnaise is perfect in a potato salad but did you know that it has three wonderfully beneficial beauty ingredients? YES: vegetable oil, eggs and vinegar.

  • With oil and eggs to moisturize, and vinegar to lift off dead skin cells, a mayonnaise mask is a great way to give dry skin a beautiful boost.

TRY THIS: Take half a cup of mayonnaise and place it in a bowl. Allow it to rest for half an hour so it can reach room temperature. Then apply it to your face. Leave it on for 15-20 minutes before rinsing off with lukewarm water.


The flesh and zest (skin) of lemons for centuries used to flavour food and drinks - even to bleach and clean household objects. Women who diet swear that drinking lemon water helps them lose weight.

  • Rich in vitamin C, lemons have powerful grease-cutting and antibacterial properties that make them a perfect acne fighter. The citric acid works as a mild skin peel by removing the outermost layer of the skin and reducing shine, while the bleaching properties help to lighten dark spots on the face and hands.

TRY THIS: Want a toner that will gently remove dead skin cells and show a brighter, smoother complexion? Then try my lemon toner. For ultra-oily skin, cut a lemon in half and gently rub over the oily parts of your face, avoiding the eyes. Rinse off with lukewarm water. For gentler treatment, mix lemon juice with equal parts of distilled water, apply to a cotton pad and dab on your face.

TIP#For an instant straight-from-nature perfume, crush a few freshly picked lemon leaves and place the crushed leaves inside your bra. Wonderful!enzyme


When explorer Christopher Columbus discovered the papaya on his travels, he described it as "the fruit of the angels." Papayas or paw paws are filled with vitamins, moisturizer and antioxidants, as well as a very special enzyme called papain. Papain has a variety of uses, such as a meat tenderizer, a home remedy for insect bites and a whitener in toothpaste. But it also has amazing skin rejuvenating properties.

  • Internally, eating papaya will help boost your immune system, protect your eyes from forming cataracts and regulate your digestive system, freeing you from belching and heartburn. Externally, papaya can help reduce wrinkles, protect skin cells from free-radical damage, repair minor wounds and make skin more elastic. Fans of the papaya say even the pips and the back of the tree are beneficial.

TRY THIS: Make a papaya face mask by making a smoothie of papaya pulp and skin (the greener the papaya, the more papain it contains). Gentry smooth it on your face and leave it on for 10 - 15 minutes before rinsing it off with lukewarm water.

This article is brought to you by PERSONALS.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Odd Gifts for a Baby?

I have thought a lot about the gifts presented to baby Jesus over the years, but it wasn't until the last couple of years that I realized how precious these gifts were. I can hear some of you saying to yourselves... Really? I have always thought that gold, frankincense and myrrh were odd gifts for a baby.

A few years ago I became acquainted with essential oils. Our son has done missionary work in Ghana over the past decade, yet - even with all the proper immunizations, he has suffered from many illnesses, with the worst one being typhoid. When he was getting ready to return there once again in 2008, I began researching what would be effective against many of the diseases and illnesses that plague third-world countries. Additionally, they needed to travel well, last a long time and be relatively easy to administer. Essential oils fulfilled all those requirements. In fact, I have often said that - next to Jesus, essential oils are one of the best things God every gave us! Many possess antiviral, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties. Some of the precious essential oils identify improperly written DNA; others can obliterate those "miss-writes", while still others can re-write using the proper DNA. In fact, a few of these essential oils can do all three by themselves. See what I mean? Wow!

Our son has used these powerful essential oils during his last three stays in Ghana and we have seen first-hand how incredible these oils are.

How does this relate to the gifts baby Jesus received from the Wise Men? Well, two of the gifts: frankincense and myrrh are essential oils. In reality what the Wise Men gave to the parents of baby Jesus was a 1st century pharmacy. Why frankincense and myrrh? Both essential oils come from the same botanical family, "Burseraceae" which is indigenous to Somalia. They had been used medicinally for centuries prior to Jesus' birth because of their incredible medicinal properties listed here.

Frankincense: antitumoral, immuno-stimulant, antidepressant. It contains sesquiterpenes, which stimulate the limbic system of the brain, hypothalamus, pineal, and pituitary glands. The hypothalamus is the master gland of the human body, producing many vital hormones. Frankincense was "used to treat every conceivable ill known to man" at the time of Jesus' birth. In fact, "it was valued more highly than gold during ancient times, and only those with great wealth and abundance possessed it". (Quotations were taken from Essential Oils desk reference fifth edition.)

Myrrh: antioxidant, antitumoral, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antiparasitic, analgesic and anesthetic. It also contains sesquiterpenes... and like frankincense, was very expensive.

Wise Men travelled from the East following a star... a star placed in the sky by God himself to point the Wise Men to God's son, Jesus. They brought with them precious essential oils that Mary and Joseph would not have been able to afford themselves. They bowed before the baby Jesus and presented him with gifts. Oh, but not just gifts... these carried within them the power to keep baby Jesus healthy during his infancy and toddler years. The Wise Men also presented baby Jesus with gold so that more oils could be purchased to keep him strong and healthy as a young boy, teenager and adult. With these oils available to baby Jesus from his birth he would not only be protected from the plagues, illnesses and infections of that time in history, but his tiny body, brain, hypothalamus and other important glands would be stimulated by these oils from the moment he entered into this world in human form.

Pretty awesome?! You bet... No cute baby clothes, play pens, diapers and diaper bags for the baby Jesus from family and friends. His gifts came from afar - and from men his parents didn't even know. AND, his gifts were quite literally gifts of LIFE.

Think about it: baby Jesus was given gifts to preserve human LIFE yet He gives us eternal LIFE when we believe He is God come in human form to live a perfect life, die for the sins of the world, and rise up from the grave thus fulfilling his purpose for coming in human form. He came for you and for me!

Next time you hear the Christmas story and the gifts the Wise Men presented you will know that these were NOT odd gifts for a baby. These were the perfect gifts for the Son of God.

This news article is brought to you by TAXES BLOG - where latest news are our top priority.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Female Breadwinners: How to Stop Apologizing For Your Success

As women become the financial breadwinner in ever-increasing percentages, one thing is clear: women's success equals family success. But why is it that many female breadwinners feel like they have to hide their success, pretend that their spouses are still the "provider" and essentially play small while covering up their accomplishments? Even in 2013, there's a social stigma to being the woman wearing the pants in the family.

As a woman breadwinner, it's important to own your power as you strengthen your family. And, yes, you can have BOTH. The key to balancing financial power with family partnership comes in feeling comfortable enough in the relationship to be who you really are. That means that each partner should feel free to discuss the accomplishments of the day, the stressors of the week, the concerns, the wins, the worries, and the dreams. Each partner must feel that home is a safe haven where real feelings can be shared without fear of judgment, blame, or guilt.

But, in women breadwinner homes, that doesn't always happen. Countless women point out the fact that they have to "make" their husbands feel like real men. Many women shy away from talking about their professional accolades in public, choosing instead to downplay their achievements in deference to their husbands. They go to parties and make their husbands sound like financial kings and their own work seem like a hobby. That's not the way to grow a relationship. That's a strategy that builds resentment.

If you're ready to stop apologizing for your success, there are five things you need to do:

1) Have a heart-to-heart talk with your spouse about the fact that you feel you have to downplay your professional achievements and ask for more support and encouragement in feeling free to speak your truth.

2) Openly discuss and share your accomplishments. In other words, own your strengths. If someone gives you a compliment, accept it. If someone is impressed by your achievements, bask in it. If someone asks you how you do this or that, tell them. Do it in a way that speaks the truth of your worth and allow your partner to support you in that. Whether it's silent support (i.e. don't say anything negative or make a comment or try to interject his/her own accolades) or overt support (verbally appreciating in public), part of being your spouse comes in being your cheerleader, your family team's co-captain. If your partner is unable to do that because of insecurity, a different conversation must be had.

3) Give your all to all you do for YOU. In other words, don't sabotage your success by giving 70% to an endeavor or by short-changing your work ethic so your partner can see that you're not perfect. Give your all because that's how you work... period.

4) Accept compliments without giving a compliment in return. This is the first step in learning how to receive. Can you take a compliment from someone without rejecting it or bouncing back a compliment because you feel you "owe" the other person? Can you do that? If abundance is what you seek, it begins by learning how to accept the abundance of small things. Especially for women breadwinners, learning how to accept when someone says, "Wow, you are amazing!" is critical to continued success. What we reject, we detach from. If you want continued success, embrace all signs that you have it. Compliments are a part of that.

5) Refuse to play small. Insecure people will ask you to play small. They'll do it subtly, subconsciously, or out loud. They will do it by asking you not to speak at certain times or not to do certain things or not to tell people other things. Whenever you get asked (directly or indirectly) to play small, give one simple answer, "No" and keep being you. Remember: we teach people how to treat us. Every action you take (or don't take) teaches people what you will and will not accept from them.

At the end of the day, no amount of playing small on your part will ever make someone else feel big who doesn't. Do not play small. Play big. Your gifts will make room for you but only if you allow them to be what they are in the open.

This article is brought to you by PERSONALS.

Useful Makeup Tips for People Over 40

Most of the people living on this planet start to see obvious changes in their appearance and skin as they reach their forties. This is highly crucial for women because their makeup needs and requirements have to change with the change in skin texture, appearance and feel. The skin is not taut anymore and several hormonal changes could result in changing of skin type as well - yes, that's true.

So for women it could be said that changes in the skin are pretty much inevitable. Science hasn't reached a point where it could enable us to stop the time or move back into it - the entire mystery is somehow limited to movies only - but the cosmetics industry has progressed enough to produce the right products for our skin; even at the age of 40.

The Right Foundation For Women Over 40

Whatever product you apply on your face at the age of 40, you should keep in mind that you will be applying it on a dry skin. So if you were using less oily products before for your mascara, foundation, toner or concealer, you might have to take a U-turn now.

This only gives you an idea of what type of foundation will now suit your skin but how do you apply that.

The Right Concealer That Makes You Look Young

Wrinkles! It wouldn't be surprising to see you getting stoned after noticing the first set of wrinkles on your facial skin when you have just touched the age of 40. However, if you act sensibly and deal with the wrinkles properly while applying makeup, you could still manage to hide them easily.

The Right Powder For Your Face

This pretty much covers the most part of your face and if you have picked up the tips right, you will definitely love to see yourself in the mirror after applying the makeup.

Time To Work On The Beautiful Eyes

Eyes are the saddest part for anyone getting old because your aging is most obvious around the eyes. The skin around the eyes is thin and thus it loses the grip easily and wrinkles form in it before any other part of the body. So will you be clinging on to the same pencil eyeliners now that most of your makeup requirements have changed with time? Probably not; and here's why:

And What About The Eyebrows?

If you read expert tips on the internet regarding makeup for people over 40, you will notice that they all emphasize on the grooming of eyebrows. Most of them are of the view that keeping your eyebrows in right shape and size even when you are 40 could actually make you look younger.

And Finally... The Lips

Lips tend to shrink and look thinner with age so you have to make them prominent; however, you have to make sure not to overdo them because this could be a big mess up. So, without compromising on anything and giving no chance to wreckage. You need to moisturize your lips with the help of lip liner.

Hopefully, these tips cover most of the areas for applying makeup for a 40 year old woman. Remember, everyone is aging so you are no different - you just need to be young in the heart. Initiate a search on the internet for Hollywood celebrities who are over 40 years of age, you'll be surprised to know how many of them are. The reason you will be surprised is because they took care of their makeup and that's it.

This news article is brought to you by GADGETS NEWS - where latest news are our top priority.

Top Ways to Pamper Yourself

Is your busy career giving you stress? Why not take some time off and pamper yourself a little? A long bath, a massage therapy, and sumptuous dinner with friends or family, are just some of the things you should try.

People with busy lifestyle often deal with stress. Sometimes they tend to focus only on their careers and forget some of the finest things in life. If you are one of them, maybe it is time to know some ways to pamper yourself after a tiring day at work or during weekends. Here are some of the things you can try to relax your mind and body.

Take a long bath.

A long bath will help calm your body. Thirty to sixty minutes of relaxing in your bath is a great way to relieve stress. Go for a long soak in the tub with bath oil and bubbles. The scent of lavender bath oil, for instance, can help you forget the pressure of work and worries for the following day.

In case you want a shower, it is wise to take it slow. Use warm water and let it pour on you for several minutes.Just standing there for a short while will reduce your stress level. This can also help relax tired muscles and a worried mind.

Cook and dine with the family.

Another way to spend a restful evening is to bond with your family or with someone dear to you. Go and prepare your favorite dish together.This is a lot better than having a box of pizza delivered. This is also a great time to talk about what happened during the day or about some plans for the coming holiday.

Watch your favorite TV show or movie.

Maybe you are often too tired to watch your favorite movie or TV series. Try going home early and treat yourself by catching it. Whether it is silly or gory, watching your favorite show is always a pleasure. Grab some snack from the fridge and munch on them as you watch.

It is also a wise idea to watch a chick flick from your DVD collection at home. You can choose your favorite movie or perhaps try one you haven't seen before or for a long time.Laugh aloud if it is comedy; cry if it's a tearjerker; and shout if it's scary. Letting out emotions is a sure way to take a load off.

Get a massage

Another great way to pamper yourself is by getting massage therapy. You can choose from different types such as Zen and Swedish massage. Other than its relaxing effect, it also has a number of health benefits. For one, it helps restore tired muscles and realigns your spine and joints.Body pains due to work-related activities can also be relieved through the help of a professional masseuse.

Most importantly, massage helps reduce levels of depression and anxiety. You will start to see how soothing and relaxing it is when you start feeling sleepy on the massage bed. It is also easy to find reliable massage specialists when you go online. A few searches on the Internet will give you a number of choices.

This article is brought to you by FREE DATING SITES.

Gender Identification Challenges in Online Edited Writing and Copywriting Considered

Generally, when we read a news item from an online source there is a name attached to the article but not always. When we read these articles with no name, we probably often wonder who wrote it, if they are male or female, or what their background is. It seems rather unfortunate when the author is not identified in the article, and it also leaves question marks in our minds having a stop and wonder if the article is even credible.

It may very well be, but if we can't even know the sex of the person who wrote it, how are we to be sure if the advice being given is legitimate, or worthy. Let me give you an example where this might matter. Perhaps you are reading an article about relationships, dating, marriage, or getting along with your spouse. Wouldn't you care who wrote the article, and what sex they are? After all, you might consider the advice to be less than relevant or take it with a grain of salt depending on what the gender of the author was.

In an interesting research paper on this topic "Automatically Profiling the Author of an Anonymous Text," by Shlomo Argamon, Moshe Koppel, James W. Pennebaker, and Jonathan Schler the researchers looked at bloggers and forum posters online and were able to determine the gender of the individual posters at an alarmingly high percentage.

In one table the research paper shows; "the style features that prove to be most useful for gender discrimination are determiners and prepositions (markers of male writing) and pronouns (markers of female writing). (Note that for the case of gender, as with all the other problems we consider here, the most discriminating style features include parts-of-speech and not only function words."

Well, that's pretty good isn't it? These computer algorithms can figure out to a very high percentage of probability the gender of the author. However, what if it is a man writing an article who has his secretary edit it, or what if a woman wrote the article, and she has an editing team, and a male was the one doing the editing? Then all bets are off, and the article will appear to have been written by either a man or a woman, or it simply won't register on either side of that scale, rather the computer algorithm will show it as gender-neutral, or take a guess, which could easily be wrong, due to a much lower probability.

This is why I have to question the author gender identification algorithms and their use in the real world, or rather using a real application of an article written and posted online in the virtual world. It's not that these systems don't work well and come with a high probability rather, it is that sometimes they can't work at all or they could give us a false positive, or the wrong impression.

Likewise, if you are reading the text of a speech given by a politician, we need to ask who the speechwriter was, a male politician could be reading a speech written by a female speechwriter, and the computer system might show that it was written by a woman, but we know that a man was the one the one who stood up to the podium and stated those words.

Although these things are known by those that write the algorithms for author gender identification, this is not something that is widely considered by those who might assume that the high percentage rates and probabilities are valid in all cases. Please consider all this and think on it. By the way this article was written and edited by a man, but you already knew that due to its poor quality!

This news article is brought to you by SHOCKING DATING ADVICE - where latest news are our top priority.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

The Importance of Having a Women's Healthcare Institute

The majority of women unfortunately do not make their health as important an issue as it should be. Taking care of yourself means being aware of your body and keeping yourself in the best health, and you can only do this when you understand your body and the different conditions that can plague it.

Women's health is still somewhat of a hidden issue, but we as a society are seeming to become more and more okay and accepting of it.

Women's health services are imperative to have available. After all, there are hundreds of different serious health conditions that a woman can develop, and the biggest problem is that the majority of these conditions can be underlying, meaning that they show no symptoms and the woman may not even realize that anything is wrong.

One of the most commonly contracted conditions that is included in this category is the human papillomavirus, better known as HPV. This is a sexually transmitted disease that often can go unnoticed due to a lack of symptoms, and this can be devastating because this is the most common reason that a woman develops ovarian cancer.

Women's Healthcare Institute

Because of the importance of women's health, it is therefore crucial that every woman know of a women's healthcare institute available in their local area. This is important because then they can visit or contact this women's healthcare institute when they are having a problem and can speak to qualified and experienced physicians that they can trust.

If you are interested in finding a women's healthcare institute in your local area, the first thing you should do is talk to your primary health care worker. Talk to your doctor and let them know that you would like to get the contact information for one of these centers available in your area, and they should have some very valuable information to offer you.

Also keep in mind that as women's health is being made into more of an issue around the world, more and more research and educational women's health centers are opening up, so you will want to keep your eyes and ears open on this and make sure you are aware if any pop up in your area.

Learning about your health means loving yourself inside and out, and if you want to live a long, healthy and happy life, this is something that you are going to need to do.

This article is brought to you by MATCH.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Breaking The Breastfeeding Barrier

With so many myths surrounding breastfeeding, it can be easy to see why so many women shy away from it.

And although almost every doctor will tell you that breast is best when it comes to feeding and nurturing your child, some women have let the so called "breast stigmata" send them all but running for the infant formula hills, when it is time to give their baby a taste of first milk.

So just what are the true benefits that come along with breastfeeding, and how can you be sure that breastfeeding is best for you? let us investigate and see shall we.

According to The American Academy of Pediatrics breastmilk should be offered for at least the first six months of an infants life and would recommend that mothers breastfeed for the child's first twelve months if not more.

Breast milk has been found to be the best source of nutrition your baby could ever need and for numerous reasons.

Human milk contains two types of proteins specifically targeted for human consumption Whey and Casein.

Most infant formula's find it very hard to perfectly balance the two proteins equally, making it difficult for some babies to digest.

Some new mothers say they choose formula over breastmilk, because they feared their milk supply would never be enough to nourish their baby.

And although a few women have experienced a slow let down, in the beginning of their breastfeeding journey, the average lactating mother can produce up to 32 ounces of milk in a twenty-four hour setting.

I had a pregnant woman tell me, she feared breastfeeding because she heard it was extremely painful.

And while some women do experience tenderness in the breast after delivery, that can make breastfeeding quite uncomfortable, most breastfeeding pain will come from your baby latching on to you improperly.

Other new mothers are worried that, their breast will sag and never look the same if they breastfeed.

But the reality is, gravity, mother nature, and age will do way more damage to your lady humps, than breastfeeding ever will.

In fact your breast become very full, a few days after delivery and most women go up a few bra sizes. and although some breast may be left a bit less perky after breastfeeding, most women report they have experienced no major breast changes once they have weaned their babies.

What about the fear of springing a leak in a public place, who wants that attention drawn to them one expectant mother asked me during one of my surveys regarding breast versus formula.

And for her question, I point out that although it is common to leak from the breast getting to full close to your babies feeding time, the breastfeeding market offers a wide variety of comfortable, durable breast pads that will ensure your most leakiest moments will go unnoticed to the general public's eye.

And the biggest breastfeeding stigma of all, goes to the fear of embarrassment. Many new mothers simply can not phantom the idea of breastfeeding in public.
some women feel they could never breastfeed their baby in a crowded setting such as a mall, for fear of complete strangers gawking at them.

However, with the many covers and shields on the market today breastfeeding in public places, has never been more discreet.

With a healthy approach, a positive attitude. and plenty of loving patience breastfeeding can not only be a great source of nutrition for your baby, but also become a way for you to snuggle close to your child and bond as nature intended.

This article is brought to you by MATCHMAKING.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Womb + Compassion = Justice

In Hebrew and Arabic the word for compassion comes from the word for "womb" (The Return of the Black Madonna: A Sign of Our Times or How the Black Madonna Is Shaking Us Up for the Twenty-First Century by Rev. Matthew Fox, Ph.D). I find the connection between the womb and compassion extremely interesting. "Meister Eckhart knew and taught: Compassion means justice." If compassion comes from the word for womb and compassion means justice then the womb does not only have the capacity to create life but justice.

Dr. Cornel West states that "justice is compassion in the public square" which means that as women our womb wellness will directly impact our ability to give compassion and practice justice in our society. If we look around our communities and see a lack of compassion and grave injustices we need to examine how we are treating our wombs-spiritually, mentally and physically. I do know the social causes of systematic oppression but I also know that our wombs give us the power to not only create life but to create art, love, compassion, justice and our entire reality. We are spirits, souls and bodies and if we are out of balance in any area it will affect our ability to practice compassion first with ourselves and finally with our neighbor.

As women we have to claim our divine right to co-create a world of compassionate justice with God. Women can be the moral compass of the world if we have the courage to heal ourselves and then in turn spread this healing to our children, lovers, neighbors and communities. This energy of healing will then vibrate throughout the entire world. In the documentary "Pray the Devil Back to Hell" Christian and Muslim women in a war-torn African nation combine forces to end war; this is just a small example of the power of wombs can yield if we only take a chance on just co-creation.

Many women suffer with womb wellness issues, especially Black women. I do not think it's a coincidence that the group that faces the most injustice and receives the least compassion faces the highest rates of womb wellness issues. There is a divine connection between our liberation as women and our womb wellness. Though healing is our divine birthright it is ultimately our choice.

How can we balance the scales of justice for the healing of our wombs and communities?

How can we show compassion to our wombs?

"Remember Life is for Living and Love is a Choice!"

This news article is brought to you by CELEBRITY MUSIC NEWS - where latest news are our top priority.

Wearing Thyself With Love

Do you remember the Turkish astronomer who discovered the asteroid known as B-612 for the first time in 1909? We know from Antoine de Saint-Exupery's diary of his encounter with the little prince, that, when the astronomer revealed B-612 to the International Astronomical Congress, nobody believed in its existence because of his Turkish costume. Only after the Turkish dictator made a law which mandated his subjects to change to European costume, the IAC validated the astronomer's observation in 1920.

The semiotics of fashion is far more democratic than it was back then. As consciousness is spreading amongst us, the beautiful residents of planet Earth, so is the idea of creativity and play. I remember very well a chance encounter I had with a muslim woman, Sunny, whom I met on the canal near Whitechapel, in London. We were both lost and heading towards the same direction so we walked together a late summer walk bathed in glittery sun rays and dancing butterflies.

We discussed the idea of self-love and we both agreed it is the springboard for everything else. That is where freedom starts as well and I wondered how can one express freedom when they are not allowed to wear anything else apart from their religious uniform? How can creativity manifest itself in these circumstances?

First thing one does in the morning is to choose what to wear. It is your choice to make a statement. If you are conditioned in having to wear something - be it the latest trend or a Ridaa - then your free choice is taken away by certain value judgements you adhere to with or without awareness of the circumstances.

Needless to say, love does not care what garments you wear. It loves you as you are and it also loves to cocoon you in soft cashmere or fine silk. Love simply loves to play and create because it is a joy and it feels good. Therefore your choice to be creative when putting clothing on is entirely yours to explore and enjoy!

When we look at the British artist Lubaina Himid's mixed media painting We Will Be from 1983 (in Helena Reckitt's Art and Feminism; Phaidon, p. 145) we see a determined black woman wearing a dress on which it is written 'WE WILL BE WHO WE WANT WHERE WE WANT WITH WHOM WE WANT IN THE WAY THAT WE WANT WHEN WE WANT AND THE TIME IS NOW AND THE PLACE IS HERE.' Social and historical hierarchies must be questioned. We are what we are and we wear what tickles our fancy.

Guided by love one cannot fail in looking beautiful.

On these grounds I would like to explore the boundaries between art and fashion and also the development of freedom within fashion and art in a series of articles that wishes to present good insights into the subject.

This news article is brought to you by WOMEN'S BLOG - where latest news are our top priority.

How To Choose a Good Abortion Clinic and Abortion Doctor

Facing an unwanted pregnancy can be devastating. Making the decision to have an abortion can be extremely heartbreaking and very overwhelming for most women. Finding a good physician to perform the procedure can add even more anxiety to an already stressful situation.

It can be very difficult for the average person to know how to judge the competency of doctors or the degree of care they will provide. The most effective way to locate a reputable physician is to obtain as much knowledge and information as possible about the physicians and the facilities they serve.

The majority of abortion clinics are clean, safe and provide good care. Most are owned by or staffed with competent physicians. However, clinics may significantly differ with regard to cost, anesthesia, gestational limitations, type of abortion procedures provided, what is included in their fees, and the training and experience of their physicians. The degree of physician competency can vary greatly among providers, from adhering only to the minimum state requirements for operating a facility to those who go above and beyond. Choosing an abortion clinic is much like choosing any other health care service provider and should be done with just as much consideration.

One of the best methods for beginning your search is to ask a trusted friend or family member. If someone you know has had a favorable experience with a particular provider this can be a good place to start. If you are unable to get a favorable recommendation or you do not feel comfortable talking about having an abortion with anyone, there are a number of steps you can take to help assure that you are making the best choice.


Do not rely on the phone book or the internet. Large, elaborate or attractive ads do not necessarily mean the clinic is a good one.

Do not choose a clinic based solely on the cost. Your health and safety are too important. Beware of fees that seem too good to be true. There may be hidden charges you are not informed about when making your initial call. Some clinics may tell you a lower fee when you first call but you could end up paying more for services that were not included in the original quote given on the phone.

Do not be influenced by vague or superficial descriptions about the services. If you're only getting hasty or flowery comments that sound only warm and fuzzy, but are lacking in clear, concise information, call another provider.

Do not make assumptions. Do not assume that the care you will receive will be provided by skilled, experienced physicians and medical personnel. Listen to your intuition. Your health and safety should be the most important consideration. If anything you are told makes you feel uncomfortable or your instincts tell you something doesn't seem appropriate or doesn't seem right, it probably isn't.


Knowledge is power. You cannot obtain too much information or ask too many questions.

Call a clinic on the phone. Good providers know that the telephone is usually the first form of contact a potential patient will make and they will only employ phone counselors who will answer in a patient, kind, courteous, professional manner. They should be willing to give you as much time as you need to answer all of your questions. Good clinics will offer potential patients an opportunity to first visit the facility or speak with a counselor at no charge.

Ask about their services. What do they offer? Do they provide both the Surgical and Medical Abortion? What takes place with each of all of the different abortion procedures? How many visits may be required? What types of anesthesia and sedation do they provide? How far along in pregnancy are they able to provide a termination? Do they offer Emergency Contraception, Family Planning services and treatment for Sexually Transmitted Infections? Do they have qualified staff available for after-hours questions or emergencies? A good provider will want you to be well informed and to have all the information necessary for you to make your decision.

Ask about their fees. What is included in the cost of the abortion procedure? Are things like a sonogram, lab tests, medications, birth control and follow up visits included? Do they accept insurance? Do they offer any funding or discounts for those who may qualify? What methods of payment do they accept?

Ask about the physicians. What are their qualifications? Ask about their experience and specialized training that qualifies them to provide abortion procedures. How many abortions have they performed? Are they able to perform both Surgical and Medical Abortion by Pill? Are they experienced with providing Advanced IV Sedation? How long have they been performing abortions? Are they available for consultation? Can they be contacted at any time through a phone number or email?

Do not be afraid to ask questions. A good provider knows and understands that you will have them. A good provider will have a facility and staff that are open, honest and forthcoming. They will want you to be a well informed patient and they will want to make your health, safety and well being their first priority.

This news article is brought to you by DATING AND RELATIONSHIP ADVICE - where latest news are our top priority.

Make Your List and Check It Twice!

Chances are you're in the throes of holiday gift-giving, checking off your shopping lists and testing your patience. Yet there's one list I want to encourage you to spend a little time on that you may not have thought of, and that's your very own personal wardrobe list.

While your social calendar may be overflowing and your budget stretched to its limits, now is one of the best times to begin to think about your wardrobe for several reasons. First, if someone is buying you a gift and you know what you need, instead of ending up with another knick knack that just collects dust, you could actually be adding to your wardrobe. Get specific - "Gee, I could really use a new statement necklace in gold" or "I would love to have a few new short sleeved t-shirts from Michael Stars in jewel tones". When you give them details, you actually do yourself a favor - and them a favor as well! And second, this time of year (now through late January) is amazing for scoring deals. So when you're out shopping for friends and family, if you see a not-to-be-missed deal on one of your must-have items, you can snap it up knowing it's not an impulse buy and that it will be adding life to your wardrobe.

Many of my clients come to me with a closet filled with clothes, yet no strategic plan. Year after year they add to their wardrobes without any real thought on how all the pieces will fit together. They spend hundreds and thousands of dollars, but come away from their closet feeling desperate and depressed. This, of course, leads to more shopping, which really only exacerbates the problem. An once the mega clearance sales start, they're tempted to snap up something for all the wrong reasons, out of desperation to have something new. So how to you get off the wardrobe hamster wheel?

Start a list. Here's how:

1/ Take stock - No matter how busy you are, carve out some time whether it's a few minutes each day for a week or a few hours one evening. This is your uninterrupted time to get up close and personal with your wardrobe. Go through each item and assess whether or not to keep it. Does it fit? Does it flatter? Do you love it? If the answer is no, then purge it from your closet immediately.

2/ The Replacements - If it turns out that a well-loved favorite is now pilled, has stains or no longer fits you, ditch it and begin to look for a replacement. These will be some of the first items to put on your list, and chances are some of the most worn. Buy the best you can afford because these will be some of your go-to staples. If you feel inclined, buy two.

3/ The Staples - What basics are you missing? If you don't have a favorite pair of jeans, are in need of some cardigans to layer, or a few separates to stretch your work wardrobe would make a difference for you, put these on your list. You want to choose items that go with at least 3 items you already own.

4/ The Spice - Now, ask yourself what you really want to wear. This could be anything from the latest boost to a beautiful bracelet or a pretty top. Think of items that bring your look current and you can't wait to wear. This is the fun stuff, and if it's trendy, you'll most definitely catch a great bargain over the holidays.

5/ What's Now, What's Next - As you make your list, ask yourself what items will work for you now, and what will work for you in the spring. A little planning and strategizing now will make a big difference for you in the coming months, and will also help you to view your wardrobe as a unified whole that will take you in and out of seasons for the next few years.

So make your own shopping list, and check it twice. Go back to it as often as needed, and add to it what you desire. This 'work in progress' is something that you can keep going continually so that you always know what you need, and to get a better handle on how to take advantage of some of the rock-bottom crazy sales we're going to be seeing post-Christmas. After all, a bargain is not a bargain unless it's something you'd pay full price for. And when you have your eye on the prize, even though it's worth it to pay full price, it's so much sweeter when you get a bargain!

This news article is brought to you by LINUXOS.PRO - where latest news are our top priority.

Friday, December 14, 2012

What Causes Infertility in Women?

Planning a family is a huge step for any couple. There are a number of factors that have to be considered before taking the big leap. One factor to keep in mind is that 10 percent of couples in the United States have problems when they are trying to conceive. 30 percent of cases, where couples have had difficulty conceiving, lie with problems with the women, while a further 30 per cent is due to factors or problems in the male partner. The left over 40 per cent is scattered between unexplained issues and problems between both the male and the female in the equation. Problems that can arise in female reproduction are:

• Ovulation problems

• Endometriosis

• Poor egg quality

• Blocked fallopian tubes

• Polycystic ovarian syndrome

• Unexplained fertility problems

• Sperm allergy

• Combination fertility problems

Ovulation Problems

The main issue that arises, which makes up about 25 per cent of cases of infertile women, is a problem with ovulation. Ovulation issues mainly come down to hormone production and include:

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)

PCOS affects changes in the ovaries, pituitary gland and the hypothalamus, whereby the female body produces too much male hormone, directly affecting regular ovulation.

Abnormal FSH and LH secretion

FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone) and LH (Luteinizing Hormone) are the two hormones that bring about your regular monthly period. Abnormalities in these hormones can be brought on by the patient being overweight or underweight, having gained too much weight too quickly or having lost too much weight too quickly and by being under constant immense stress (physical or emotional stress)

Premature ovarian failure

Premature ovarian failure is brought on by an autoimmune response whereby the body actively attacks the ovarian tissue. The mistaken attacks may lead to complete loss of the ovaries and the decreased production of estrogen.

Luteal phase defect

Luteal phase defect is brought on when the ovaries do not produce enough progesterone. Progesterone is vital in the preparation of the uterine wall lining of a fertilized egg.

Blocked or Damaged Fallopian Tubes

A blocked fallopian tube is caused by inflammation that is caused by either gonorrhea or chlamydia, where damaged tubes are caused by a previous ectopic pregnancy or previous failed pregnancy or surgery.

Blockage of the Cervix or Cervical Narrowing

Cervical Stenosis is caused by damage to the cervix, or an inherited malformation passed down from generation to generation, and results in the cervix's failure to produce good quality mucus for sperm transportation and proper fertilization.

Problems in the Uterus

Tumors or polyps in the uterus may lead to either the disruption of implantation or the blockage of the fallopian tubes. This problem is common is women in their thirties.


Endometrioses is caused by the abnormal growth of tissues that should occur in the uterus. These tissues are known to dislodge and implant in other locations, which causes weakness in fertilization.

While these are the main causes for infertility in women, there are some cases where a cause is never found until the couple actually finds that they cannot conceive. In any case, it is vital to speak to your health care professional about these problems and get tested for them in the early stages of your family planning.

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The Perfect Bra: Your Key to Comfort, Beauty and Health

If you have you ever found yourself tightening your bra straps, tugging at the rising band across your back or pulling up the cups of your bra, than chances are you haven't been fitted correctly. For a long time, I was wearing a size smaller than what I wear now, until I was measured at Victoria Secret. After buying a size up, I felt so much more comfortable. I wasn't readjusting quite so often and my chest no longer felt cramped. Still, I'm seeing room for improvement. So I put my investigative skills to the test and low and behold my investigative skills paid off and I found a different (maybe even better) way to measure your bra size.

I was fitted wearing an ill-fitting bra, which I think contributed to some inaccuracy. This new measurement process requires you to go completely topless. Instead of standing, like I had, you lean forward making your torso parallel to the floor. This position allows everything to fall forward, so your bust measurement includes all of your breast tissue. Measure around the torso, making sure to keep the tape straight against the breast but not tight.

Next you'll need to get measure the area directly beneath the breast. This area will be easier to locate in the same position you used to measure your bust. It may feel like it's too high on the torso, but fitting your bra in this area will ensure that your breasts fit well in their cups. Pull the tape tightly against your body so you feel secure, but not tight enough that you feel discomfort. A snug band will keep your band from shifting on your back.

Locate your measurements on a sizing chart and determine your cup size. If your size has changed with this measuring process, visit a lingerie shop to see if this new size works better for you. The process of finding a good bra can involve a lot of trial and error, but there are many benefits to finding the perfect one for your body.

One of the main reasons I've searched for a better bra measurement system is that I get occasional breast pain and back aches that come with wearing my bra. This discomfort was significantly worse when I wore a size smaller, but I'd much prefer a situation where I felt no pain at all. Determining the right band measurement will ensure that your back carries the weight of your breasts and not your shoulders. This will also keep your breasts from a sagging appearance. Your bra straps should be placed closer to your neck and not at the tips of your shoulder, where it can cause shoulder tension. If your bra is unsupportive it can contribute to slouching, causing back pain, headaches and even indigestion.

Try on several bras until you find the right one. There are so many different styles nowadays, so don't be discouraged if one fitting didn't suit you. Just be sure that your straps don't dig into your shoulders and the centerfold of the bra lays flat against your chest.

This news article is brought to you by ECONOMY BLOG - where latest news are our top priority.

Tips on Being an Independent Woman

For years, opportunities for women have been marginalized across the board. Ranging anywhere from education, to careers, to politics, women have been disproportionately recognized along various domains. Thankfully, the feminist movement has done wonders to empower our women, thereby giving them opportunities that were at one time, but a mere fantasy. But despite their best efforts, being an "independent woman" still has its challenges for many. Some women are first generations of the "independent women era" and therefore have limited role modeling. Others have had sufficient role modeling, but lack the self-confidence that an "independent woman" exudes. Whatever the limitations that prohibit many women from reaching their status of being "independent women," this is the article for them. Here, you will find a few strategies that can be utilized in order to position you to be the "independent woman" that you are destined to be.

All "independent women" must be able to trust themselves. You will experience all types of obstacles, many of which will encourage you to lack confidence in your own beliefs and abilities. Understand that all "independent women" will experience barriers like this, but believing that you can overcome them will help you to do so. No one is going to believe in you, if you cannot believe in yourself.

Next, do your research. Ask yourself, what is it that you would like to do with your life? Be sure that whatever it is, it is something that you have chosen for yourself, and not something that has been chosen for you. Then research everything that you can about it. Research things like the skill set required to do it, the training that is necessary to fulfill it, the type of people (personalities, experiences, etc.) who do it. This is useful whether you want to be a lawyer, a doctor, a wife, and/or a mother. Basically, the term "independent woman," means whatever "independence" is for the woman experiencing it. By researching as much as you can about whatever an "independent woman" means to you, the more prepared you will be to become one.

Avoid people who are counterproductive to your goals of becoming an "independent woman." Sadly, despite your best efforts, you will meet people who just don't believe in your goals, or people who will try to interfere with them. As painful as this may be, maintaining a relationship with these people, will only make meeting your goals harder. A metaphor for this type of relationship is the "crab mentality." The "crab mentality" basically makes the following comparison between crabs and people. Imagine a bucket full of crabs. As some crabs try to get out, other crabs below them try to pull them down. This is how women sometimes treat other women who are trying to become "independent women." Maintaining these relationships with "crabs" will do nothing but make your pursuit to upward mobility that much more challenging. It might be difficult to break off these relationships, but you will find that once this is done, your pursuit to independence will be that much greater.

While you are avoiding people who are counterproductive to your goals, find people who are compatible with your goals. For instance, if you want to be married, but you've gotten a lot of negative advice about marriage from either unmarried or unhappily married people, find some people who are happily married. If you want to develop your own business, try to steer away from the friend who is discouraging you from opening one because she chooses to work in her father's business instead of doing something "independent" for herself. In other words, there are people in this world who are like minded... if you're finding that those whom you surround yourself with are not, then pick a new group of friends! Your independence depends on it.

This article is brought to you by FREE DATING SITES.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

The Working Moms' Guide to Surviving the Holidays

'Tis the season to be jolly, right? If you're like a lot of other working moms, the holidays can be a stressful time, no matter how hard we try (or maybe because we try so hard) to enjoy them. On top of our already packed schedules, somehow we have to squeeze in shopping for gifts, wrapping, decorating, sending cards, baking, holiday parties and family visits. It can be overwhelming. Worse, the holidays fall during the shortest days of the year, which, for those who suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder, can spell depression. So what's a busy working mom to do? Here are some ideas for not only surviving the holidays with your sanity intact, but actually enjoying them. I'll be exploring each one in detail over the next few weeks.

1. Take care of yourself. The "winter blues", neglecting workouts, overeating, drinking too much, putting pressure on ourselves to do it all: these things can make us feel awful. On top of that, we feel guilty for feeling awful when we're "supposed" to be full of tidings of comfort and joy!

2. Prioritize your time and simplify your schedule. When I stayed home with my kids, we made cards from scratch, plates of cookies for everyone we knew, and gave handmade gifts. After returning to work full-time outside the home, I knew something had to give. Also, now that the kids are involved in their own activities, we don't attend every event. There is such a thing as too many parties.

3. Make the holiday meaningful. For those for whom the holiday has religious significance, maintaining religious tradition is the obvious way to do this. But even non-religious people can find ways to focus on the spirit of giving and sharing love with family and friends, for example by volunteering. Giving gifts that have meaning is another way to reduce the commercial aspect of the season.

Working moms often struggle to spend the quality time with their families that they would like. Instead of trying to make the holidays perfect and feeling guilty when we think we fall short, why not put some effort into making the holidays a relaxing time? Happiness is something we can choose, and there's no better time to focus on being happy and peaceful than the holiday season. It's the greatest gift we can give ourselves and our families.

Look for more articles about how to make the holidays a fun and relaxing time.

This article is brought to you by FREE PERSONALS.

Wear 70's Hair Styles - Types of Hair Trends in the Seventies

If you want to look like you've been taken out of the fashion magazines of the 70's, grow your hair naturally. The natural look is one of the most popular beauty trends of this decade, especially when it comes to hair styles.

Back then, everyone allows his hair to grow to enjoy a full afro. Others with long and straight hair keep it naturally straight. Another type of hair style is the wind-swept look. Actually, some hair styles that flourished in the 70s are still popular these days, such as straight hair; which a lot of women love to maintain.

Here are some of the popular 70's hairstyle trends, and will as tips on how you can enjoy them today:

1. Afro Look

Back in the old days, people with African roots proudly displayed their heritage by sported huge afros. The style was a big hit in the 1970's because of its natural appearance. People with extremely curly hair only need to let them grow and they will enjoy a beautiful and proud Afro do.

You can try enhancing the natural kink in your Afro hair by refining it by a pick. You need to pull through your hair with the pick, and fluff your Afro hairdo to go up and flare while ensuring that the natural kink is in place.

2. Shag

This is the hairstyle that was popularized by Farrah Faucet in the 70's. The style is very simple - all you need to do is have your hair layered at the tips in order to achieve it. Women of today with hair of any length can sport this hairstyle.

Styling your hair into shag is easy by doing some simple layering. Just make sure that you don't overdo it as the "chaotic look" might go out of hand. And since your hair should look like it is windblown, you will seldom need to comb your hair.

3. Natural Look

Natural hair style was also a hit in the 70's. Back then, everyone decided to let her straight hair down. However, those with wavy locks had more problems making them straight, as the only recourse then was a straightening iron. These days, getting a straight natural look is easier, what with the many available straightening options offered by hair salons.

4. Page boy hairdo

Finally, one of the most popular beauty trends from the 1970's when it comes to hair style is the page look, which is a basic short or medium length hair with bangs and hangs up to the area of the ears. Page boy look has striking similarity to the Egyptian look.

The pageboy hairstyle, which is now becoming popular again among younger women, can be achieved by cutting the front hair to form bangs. Get the proper length at the back by getting a quick haircut at the salon.

This news article is brought to you by INTERNET NEWS - where latest news are our top priority.

Designer High Heel Leather Boots - Only the Best Will Do

High heel leather boots come in many shapes and sizes so for simplicity sake the boots being referred to throughout the article are knee high, handmade, black leather upper, leather lining and sole, 5" stiletto heel, pointed toe, with a side zip.

For any woman that loves shoes they will have a collection that is not complete without at least one pair of boots, they are a must have. It is therefore important to give careful consideration to quality, style and wear ability before making a purchase.

Designer high heel boots are a luxury item and as such should be thought of as an investment. They will undoubtedly be the most expensive pair of heels you own.

When wearing high heel boots for the first time several things become immediately apparent. The foot, ankle and calf are totally enclosed in leather providing unparalleled support and give the wearer a feeling of luxury. Many women who favor a lower heel in shoes due to discomfort are pleasantly surprised to find higher heels in boots not only bearable but enjoyable to walk in even for long periods.

Let's be honest who doesn't like looking glamorous and attractive, high heel boots are flattering to the figure with the lift from the heel which at 5" gives the stiletto boot a perfect silhouette. Combine this with the calf enhancing properties a of the boot, the comfort and support given to the ankle and leg, and the instant confidence boost and sheer pleasure you get when wearing them are all part of what makes boots so special to many women. The more you wear your boots the better they feel. The leather will mould to your foot, leg and sole and is breathable.

After your boots have been broken in they will feel so gorgeous that you will find yourself naturally adopting a confident, empowered gait. It is therefore important to spend as much as you can on your boots. Saving money by buying cheap, poorly made boots is a false economy that will damage your feet, be uncomfortable to wear and make you look far from glamorous.

When you have taken the plunge and purchased your dream boots it is important to take proper care of them and that means finding a good cobbler and having a regime of regular cleaning and polishing to keep them at their best

Leather boots age superbly if looked after properly, keep the leather conditioned and seasoned and they will last for years.

In conclusion, save and buy the best quality pair available, take care of them with love and they will become an indispensable part of your wardrobe and make a bold statement of you as a confident, stylish women.

This news article is brought to you by ADVANCED DATING ADVICE - where latest news are our top priority.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

It's Bra-Bra Time This Sexy Christmas

Like seriously, does Christmas have to come just once a year!! We women have it round the clock running around, and just once a year you mean we can actually be sexy in our hot lingerie? Well, who says you need to celebrate the season of giving only in December, with a range of sexy lingerie available for Christmas, the party doesn't stop happening all year-round.

For the men

So you love this woman and would want to surprise her on Christmas Eve. We women love surprises you see and we would like you to get us that one present which we wouldn't mind unwrapping, through your hands (wink).

Now come on boys, you know how important lingerie for us women is. It is important we have a bra that is good, because of physical reasons; we need support for our breasts, period. So ensure you pick the right bra for your lady love, it only shows how much you would go to care for her.

Problems no more ladies!

Women would agree when we say its tough shopping for the right sexy lingerie anytime of the year. And wearing the right bra under something stylish is what takes most of the time, now men would know why we take time to dress. We need to get that oomph look when we dress and have support for our breasts too.

The market online and otherwise is flooded with a wide range of bras, such as;
1. The Lift Bra
2. The Back Support Bra
3. The Side Support Bra
4. The Posture Support Bra
5. The Push In Bra

With the right bras that have cups for full coverage to adhesive cups, these babies surely would keep us looking hot and composed while midnight service is on. So if you are planning on getting one of these bras this Christmas, thumbs up to you girl!!

We girls want...
Now men we come back to you, since you would be doing the gifting. You need to make this holiday season extra special for her, show a little more than the usual concern and care. We women appreciate sexy lingerie, but we don't wear and tell, get the drift. That's because it is something very personal, and you of all the people should know what we need. You wouldn't buy sexy Christmas lingerie just like that for anyone, would you? Hence remember, when you pick up bras for her, it is a very intimate gift and a personal one too, so choose wisely.

Buying sexy Christmas lingerie

Now it shouldn't take a genius to know where and how to buy lingerie, but when it comes to you men buying one for us, let us give you the guidance.

1. If you know her favorite style and color, which you should by now, pick one which she would want to wear now and then. We know most of the men out there wouldn't want to look at buying lingerie in this fashion, but that's the fact. Women want to look enticing and desirable, and the right bra only brings out the confidence in them, worn or removed when the games begin. Remember, she has to wear it, so pick one she would love and not one that turns you on; in that case you should wear what she likes, period.

2. Some of us girls love wearing revealing sexy lingerie, but wouldn't like to expose too much. We are called wives of men who don't care! So husbands out there, ensure that you only buy lingerie if you feel like gifting it to her. You should pick a style which would flaunt her body; the woman in her would appreciate that. Choose a color which would accentuate her contours and her personality. Something that she would wear very comfortably and even if she is a plus size girl, ensure that the lingerie doesn't expose too much of her skin. You could try picking up the corset bra and along with that a super sexy panty set too, she would love to wear it beneath and show it off when you want to play.

3. Finally, if you really want to gift her set of sexy lingerie, look online, speak to her friends in confidence or even experts online and they would be able to guide you on how to surprise your lady love with the right bras this Christmas.

Remember folks, the main aim of dressing up your girl in sexy lingerie this Christmas is to ensure she enjoys it along with you. Hence, pick the right bra this holiday season, make merry your style and yes, enjoy your CAKE!

This news article is brought to you by INTERNET NEWS - where latest news are our top priority.