Monday, January 28, 2013

What Happens When A Woman Gets Into Her Flow?

I made the decision to venture out into the realm of what I didn't know, I didn't know about women, which was absolutely nothing at all. So I humbly and willingly placed myself at the very feet of the only experienced group of people who could, and would, honestly want to help me develop a vision of women that extents far beyond the reaches of a male dominated philosophy. Of course, it was women themselves. I became a dedicated and focused student of women in ways most men wouldn't dare dream of observing them. I watched and I observed how the nature of women, when they're in flow, seems to compel them to work to bring their families together and how harmony seems to be the overarching theme of their nature. Yet in spite of this internal urge to be in harmony with everything around them, I also observed women constantly struggling to achieve peace and harmony within their own minds. They often shared with me their struggle to get their mind to do what they've always wanted it to do, create harmony through out their entire life.

like any great student, I listened and I watched the natural flow of things among women when their language supported what they truly desired to experience. I saw how easy it was for them to get alone and work together, and then I noticed how the sudden appearance of resistance, no matter how small, immediately disrupted the flow. As I observed these dynamics unfold among group after group after group, I began to understand the nature of both flow and resistance. I observed how flow keeps women in harmony with everything around them and how resistance does just the opposite. As I observed the nature of flow in action, I noticed how flow manifested itself as a language directed by a definite purpose, and resistance manifested as a language void of any real purpose at all. In other words, those women in flow were intentional about their harmony. The women in resistance seem to only generate small, cheap and idle talk... Almost strictly for the entertainment of others. It was clear. The women in flow always spoke in alignment with their best possible outcome, never forsaking it. They were committed to living their best life, and those in resistance weren't. They were more focused on what they didn't want or what was wrong, as identifying what was wrong always seemed to come first. They'd profess to have a desire to experience certain positive realities in their lives, yet what they communicated aloud was totally contrary to achieving it. This was their normal functioning.

there was another distinction which became crystal clear to me the more intensely I studied; and, that distinction was this: those women in resistance tended to be totally unaware that they were in resistance, while those women in flow, were consciously aware that they were in harmony. This told me one thing... To get into flow and have your mind to do what you've always wanted it to do. You have to be intentional and definite. On the other hand, to be in resistance and remain unable to get your mind to do what you've always wanted it to do, all that is required of you is to remain unconscious... Remain uncommitted to a definite want or purpose.

This article is sponsored by real estate news.

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